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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
an5 te3 pai6 安提派 (ref: -) Bible Antipas (biblical) 10
a5 po5 lo3 阿坡羅 (ref: -) Bible Apollos (biblical) 10
Su1 do3, do5 de5 使徒,徒弟 (ref: t000410) religion apostle, apprentice, disciple 10
Wui6 kao4 dua6 kui1 胃口大開 (ref: t000441) idiom appetite is whipped up 10
a5 lan3 阿蘭 (ref: -) Bible Aram (biblical) 10
ya5 li1 su5 ta5 qiu1 亞理士它丘 (ref: -) Bible Aristarchus (biblic) 10
ya5 le5 bhi1 si3 雅麗美錫 (ref: t000668) Bible Arithemathea (biblic) 10
ya5 ti1 bhi4 雅提米 (ref: -) Bible Artemis (biblic) 10
8tia5 ... zu6 ben6 聽 。。。 自便 (ref: -) please as ... please(s) 10
am4 ming3 bhong5 8sua5 niao1. am4 ming5 bhong1, o5 am4 ming3 暗矇摸山貓。暗矇摸,烏暗矇 (ref: am4_00) dark as dark as you are groping for a black mountain cat in the darkness 10
die1 yi6 bhuan1 bhuan4, qieng4 die1 8siu6 sa1 mi4 sio5 siang3 得意滿滿,蒸得像什麼相像 (ref: -) conceit as haughty as one can be, fully conceited 10
a5 sa4 ho1 阿薩福 (ref: -) Bible Asaph (biblical) 10
a5 sie4 阿雪 (ref: -) Bible Asher (biblical) 10
Qieng1 giu3 請求 (ref: t000361) ask ask, appeal, beg 10
Yao5 giu3 要求 (ref: t000448) request ask, request 10
a5 so4 阿索 (ref: -) Bible Assos (biblical) 10
Jiu6, de6 就 (ref: t000305) time at that moment, to be about to, in that case 10
Ki1 sieng1, ki1 sieng1 e5 si3 起先,起先的時 (ref: t000311) begin at the beginning, when it started 10
Di6 (ref: -) at at, in 10
a5 ze4 阿左 (ref: -) Bible Azor (biblical) 10
ba5 bi1 lun3 巴比倫 (ref: -) Bible Babylon (biblical) 10
ba5 lan3 巴蘭 (ref: -) Bible Balaam (biblical) 10
ba5 la1 ke5 巴拉克 (ref: -) Bible Balak (biblical) 10
ba5 la1 ba5 巴拉巴 (ref: -) Bible Barabbas (biblical) 10
ba5 la1 qi3 巴拉齊 (ref: -) Bible Barachia (biblical) 10

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