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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
提訂,訂婚 8gua68dia5, dieng6hun1 (ref: 8gua6_00) cultures The rituals of getting engaged. 孩子的時,我足愛吃人送的訂婚餅。【ghin1a4e5 si3, wa1 zo1ai4jia6 lang5sang6e5 dieng6hun58bia4】When I was a kid, I enjoyed very much the engagement cakes that relatives and friends gave us. 結婚【ge1 hun1】to get married,離婚【li6 hun1】to divorce. 9
bha1 do1 lai5 e5 min6 tang3 腹肚裏的蛔蟲 (ref: -) animal the round worms in the stomach, the one who know the person best 10
第二聲 2 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The second tone, also the rising tone.. 女人【zo2lang3】woman, women, female. 雞子【ge2a4】chicken, hen, cock. As you can see, in both words, the first syllable starts with the second tone. Musically, it will be 'fa-so-la'. 9
第六聲 6 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The six tone. It is also the low level tone. 下雨【le6ho5】to rain. 下價【le6ge6】to depreciate; to have the price lowered. The first syllable in both words is in the sixth tone. Musically, it will be the lower 'do' in Key C. 9
8ti1 o5 o1, bhe1 le6 ho5; dua6 hong5 cui1, hai1 yieng4 gun3. 天烏烏,要落雨;大風吹,海浪滾。 (ref: 8ti1_00) poem The sky darkens and it is going to rain; the wind blows and the waves are rolling. 10
Kui5 8ti1 pi6 de5 開天闢地 (ref: t000318) idiom the start of the universe, the start of the heaven and the earth; the Genesis 10
ri6 tao3 le6 8sua1, ri6 tao3 le6 8sua1 e5 si3 日頭下山,日頭下山的時 (ref: ri6_01) idiom The sun goes down; when the sun goes down ... 10
ri6 tao3 pa6 gao4 ka5 ceng5 tao3 日頭曬到腳穿頭 (ref: ri6_00) idiom The sun shines on the ass. (An expression to make fun of sleeping in, literally meaning: to sleep until the sun shines on the ass.) 10
第三聲 3 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The third tone, also the lowering-rising tone. 皮鞋【pue5e3】leather shoes. 好人【he1lang3】good person. In both words, the second syllable bears the third tone. Musically, it will be 'mi-do-mi'. 9
cao1 me1 a4 lang6 ge5 gang1 草螞子逗雞公 (ref: cao1_00) grasshopper The weak play tricks on the strong. In this case, a grasshopper flirts with a cock. 10
se4 gai6 世界 (ref: t000368) place the world 10
siao4 len5 ge2 a4 少年家子, 少年雞子 (ref: -) people the young, young cocks (referring to a young male or males) 10
a4 liao2 a4 bhe5 ge4 8me3 do6 gun4. 鴨寮子沒隔夜蚯蚓。 (ref: a4_00) duck There is nothing left -- how can any earthworm survive the duck farm overnignt? 10
Jiong1 wu6 7ji6 7ji1 終有一日 (ref: t000491) idiom There will be the day. 10
di6 hia1* 在那 (ref: -) there there, to be there 10
So1 yi4 gong4 所以講 (ref: t000406) therefore therefore I say ..., therefore we say ...; in other words ... 10
So1 yi4 所以 (ref: t000405) therefore therefore, so 10
ka5 siao3; sa1 mi1 ka5 siao3? 腳數;什麽腳數? (ref: t000660) thing thing; what sort of thing is this? person; what sort of person is this? (used in a depreciating sense) 10
ji1 le3* 這個, 這例 (ref: t000025) this this 10
ji1 gun5 這群 (ref: t000012) group this group of 10
ji1 gun6 lang3 這群人 (ref: t000022) group this group of people 10
Ze1 si6 這是 (ref: t000482) because This is (because) 10
ji1 kuan4 這款 (ref: t000024) kind this kind of 10
ji1 jia4 zun3 這隻船 (ref: t000023) ship this ship 10
tong5 mu1 su5 湯姆士 (ref: t000647) Bible Thomas (biblic) 10

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