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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
de6 si6 an1 ne1, de6 si6 wui6 dio6 an1 ne1 就是這樣,就是為到這樣 (ref: -) reason for this reason 10
ghua6 7go5 外國 (ref: -) foreign foreign countries 10
ghi6 bang1 異邦 (ref: -) foreign foreign countries, gentiles 10
Qian5 qiu1 bhan6 se6 千秋萬世 (ref: t000359) idiom forever and ever, till the hell freezes over 10
Yong1 sui3 7bu1 siu3 永垂不朽 (ref: t000464) idiom forever lasting, never rusted 10
he1 ga5 zai6! 好佳在 !  (ref: he1_00) idiom fortunately; Thank Goodness! 10
bieng5 you4 朋友 (ref: bieng5_02) friends friends 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 zui1 ge4 e6, zui1 ge1 8da1 a4 菜市子賣水果的,水果攤子 (ref: cai4_04) market fruit vendor, a fruit vendor's stall in the market place 10
zui1 ge1 lui5: niao1 ba2 la4, gi5 yi6 ge4, 7lio6 lai3, gam5 a1 7bhi1, gam2 a4, pe5 te3, gin5 jio1, ong5 lai3, liu5 len3, liu1 dieng1, zio6 liu3, ghieng5 ghieng4, 7ho1 ghieng4, nai6 ji1, 8sui2 a4, lieng1 bhu5, 8yiu5 de3, 7sie1 kia1, kai5 sim5 ge4 水果類:貓芭樂,奇異果,酪梨,柑子蜜,柑子,葡萄,金蕉,王梨,榴蓮,柳丁,石榴,瞪眼,福眼,荔枝,芒子,蓮霧,楊桃,釋迦,開心果 (ref: t000261) fruits fruits: guava, kiwi, avocado, tomato, tangerine, grape, banana, pineapple, durian, orange, promegranade, staring-eye longan, dragon-eye longan, lichi, mango, wax apple, averrhoa fruit, suger apple, pestacho 10
Hun4 no5 憤怒 (ref: t000277) fury fury, wrath 10
gai4 die1 蓋德 (ref: -) Bible Gad (biblic) 10
ga5 da1 rin3 加達人 (ref: -) Bible Gadarenes (biblic) 10
gai5 you3 該由 (ref: -) Bible Gaius (biblic) 10
jiong6 siong6 bun1 bhe5 jieng4, nam5 ghi3 dong5 zu6 giong3. 將相本無種,男兒當自強。 (ref: t000585) idiom Gene does not determine if one is to be a general or a prime minister; one must try her best to lead a successful life. 10
ge5 se5 ma1 ni3 哥西馬尼 (ref: -) Bible Gethsemane (biblic) 10
Zu6 be4 zu6 ki6 自暴自棄 (ref: t000498) idiom give up on oneself 10
Zu6 hieng3 de6 le5 自行墮落 (ref: t000501) idiom give up on oneself, go the self-destructive way 10
Wun5 qi6, wun5 su6 恩賜 (ref: t000444) religion given as a grace, grace given 10
Sin3 so1 su4 ho5, sin3 so1 su4 yu4 神所賜予 (ref: t000388) religion given by God, gifted by God 10
Sin5 7hua1 bhe5 8bi1, hui5 tao3 su6 an5 神法無邊,回頭是岸 (ref: t000391) religion God's power is without boundary; turn your head and the shore of safety is right there! (Originally a Buddhist expression, similar in meaning to "repent, and you will be forgiven.) 10
Sin3 神 (ref: t000387) relition god, deity, God 10
ge5 mo5 la1 哥摩拉 (ref: -) Bible Gomorrah (biblic) 10
Liong5 sieng4 sun5 kuan3 良性循環 (ref: t000332) cycle good cycle 10
he1 sim1 ho6 lui3 jim1; ai4 go5 ho6 lui3 ko5 好心給雷親;愛國給雷叩 (ref: he1_03) thunder Good intentions are greeted by the thunder’s kisses; acts of patriotism are rewarded by the thunder’s knockout. People use these pair of expressions to vent their disappointment (jokingly sometimes) when their good intentions are going sour. No matter what, they thyme prettily. 10
he1 siao5 si5! dua6 he1 siao5 si5! 好消息!大好消息! (ref: t000526) news Good news! Super good news! 10

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