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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
gan5 na5 8siu6 bhe1 僅子想要 (ref: -) simply to only want to, to simply want to 10
Hun5 gi3 hu4 kuan4 分期付款 (ref: t000279) bank to pay in installments 10
bang4 hui4 e5 ge1 de1 gio4 giu4 hui4 放火的更在叫救火 (ref: bang4_00) play innocent to play innocent; for the person who set the fire on purpose to pretend to call for help to put out the fire 10
mo3, 7da5, ki1, kiao4 謀,鬥,欺,巧 (ref: t000347) bad to plot, to strive against, to cheat, to cut corner 10
Suan5 yong3 宣揚 (ref: t000419) proclaim to proclaim, to advocate 10
bio1 jiong1 表彰 (ref: -) proclaim to proclaim, to make known publicly and widely 10
ga6 ... sieng5 7hua1 給 。。。 懲罰 (ref: -) punish to punish somebody 10
ta1, ta6 ce5 讀,讀冊 (ref: t000039) read to read, to study 10
ga5 giong3 加強 (ref: -) reinforce to reinforce 10
You5 si1 bhong3 ge1 ho6 sieng1 由死亡更復生 (ref: t000472) religion to resurrect from death 10
ho6 wa4 復活 (ref: t000010) resurrection to resurrect, to come back to life from death 10
lo6 go2 a1 muai3 lai6 de4 len4 di5 ge1 路糊子粥裏底滾豬哥 (ref: t000609) typical to roll in the mud (like a pig brother), to wallow 10
8kua6 看 (ref: -) see to see, to look,to watch 10
Hun5 siong4 分享 (ref: t000280) share to share 10
jia6 he1 kang1 dao4 sio5 be6 吃好孔兜相報 (ref: t000582) idiom to share the information with people when one finds good luck. Again, the origin of this expression might have sexual implications. But like I said, the expression has been so common and FUBAR (f**ked up beyond all repair) that I do not care about that part any longer. 10
hen1 si5 顯示 (ref: t000245) show to show 10
hun5 diong3 min6 jieng3 bhu1 guan5 de1, ban5 mun3 nong6 bo4 雲長面前舞關刀,班門弄斧 (ref: t000566) idiom to show off in front of the supreme experts, in the first instance: to show of your guan-knife wielding skills in front of Guan Yunchang, who happened to be the inventor of the guan-knife and the best in martial arts in Chinese history; in the second instance: to show off your carpenter skills in front of Lu Ban, who was the Supreme Carpenter in Chinese history 10
Hui1 bong6 毀謗 (ref: t000271) slander to slander 10
dan5 zui1 le3 響水螺 (ref: dan5_00) siren to sound the siren 10
Ki1 hang3 起航 (ref: t000310) navigation to start a journey, (a ship) to depart 10
lo6 de5, liu5 gie1 落第,留級 (ref: t000036) stay to stay put, to be left behind and not advanced to the next grade 10
bieng5 bo6 qieng5 hun3 平步青雲 (ref: bieng5_01) fair smoothly to step on blue clouds peacefully, to fair and advance in career smoothly 10
gen4 duan6 間斷 (ref: -) stop to stop, to discontinue 10
den6 ci2 lui5 7jie1 電馳雷擊 (ref: -) lightening to strike by lightening and thundering (as an act of God) 10
gam1 jiao1 感召 (ref: -) summon to summon by touching someone's heart 10

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