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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
yi1 hui5 so4 以非索 (ref: t000546) Bible Ephesus (biblic) 10
yi5 la1 su5 do3 伊拉斯圖 (ref: -) Bble Erastus (biblic) 10
La4 ..., la4 ..., la4 ..., zu5 lui5 啦 。。。 啦 。。。 之類 (ref: t000320) typical etc...etc... 10
Yong1 sieng1 永生 (ref: t000463) religion eternal life 10
you5 ti5 qiu1 尤提丘 (ref: -) Bible Eutychus (biblic) 10
Jiong4 wui5 眾位 (ref: t000299) people Everybody 10
he1 se4 dang5 dang1! 好勢噹噹 (ref: t000524) idiom Everything goes smackingly well! It fits perfectly! 10
bhan6 su5 sun6 li5, bhan6 su5 ru5 yi6. 萬事順利,萬事如意。 (ref: bhan6_00) everything ok Everything goes smoothly; everything goes as we are pleased. (Used as greetings during the Chinese New Year) 10
Yi1 ghua5 以外 (ref: t000451) place except, beside 10
gieng5 ghiam5 經驗 (ref: -) experience experience, to experience 10
ghi6 nieng3 異能 (ref: -) supernatural extraordinary power, supernatural power 10
jio1 he1 se6, 8jia5 he1 se6, jio1 ga4 yi6 足好勢,真好勢,足愜意 (ref: t000035) pleased extremely satisfactory, extremely satisfied 10
bha6 jiu1, bha6 bhai3, bha6 sai4, bha6 jiu5 meng3 目睛,目眉,目屎,目睛冒 (ref: bha6_00) body eye, eyebrow, tears, eye lash 10
kiao6 俏 cute in a charming way (usually sexy). (ref: -) 這個女孩子樣子足俏。【ji1le5 zo2ghin1a4 yang4zi6 zo1kiao6】This young lady looks very cute and sexy. 俏及要死!【kiao4ga1bhe1si4】Cute and sexy to the point of dying; extremely cute and sexy! 俏及要死子!【kiao4ga1bhe1si4】The addition of "子【a4】" makes the expression COLLOQUIAL TO THE UTTERMOST. 1) 足巧【zio1qiao3】refers to timing that is either perfect or exactly the opposite. It also refers to the skillfulness of a person's craft; for example, a female's artistic hands in sewing. 2) 翹【kiao6】refers to the physical shape which is streamlined and sexy. It can be used to refer the general shape of the body or a particular body part. When it refers to one's nose, it is saying that the nose is pointed in a cute way. ***) COMPARISON CONCLUSIONS: 俏 refers to a person's quality and character and 翹 refers to the physical appearances. 巧 is telling about a person's skillfulness in a certain craft. 9
ga5 dieng3 家庭 (ref: -) family family 10
ga5 zo1 家族 (ref: -) clan family -- usually referring to a big family; a clan 10
ba1 ba0 爸爸 (ref: -) family father 10
Kong5 hong1 be6 hu4 狂風暴雨 (ref: t000309) idiom ferocious rain and wind storm 10
Siu1 sian1, siu1 sen1 首先 (ref: t000404) first first of all, first 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 hi3 e5, hi5 8da1 a4 菜市子買魚的,魚攤子 (ref: cai4_03) market fish vendor, a fish vendor's stall in the market place 10
gho6 e3 五個 (ref: -) number five of something 10
Ke1 bi1 gong4 可比講 (ref: t000308) example for example 10
Wui6 siong6 de6 爲上帝 (ref: t000442) religion for God 10
bai4 to5, ya6 8mu6 bhang5 an1 ne1 8siu5. 拜託, 也不要這麼想! (ref: bai4_00) my goodness! For goodness sake, quit that thinking! 10
bhe5 dai6 bhe5 ji6 無代無志,沒代沒志 (ref: -) idiom for no reason 10

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