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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Te6 giong1 (deng4 ze4 mieng5 qi3 yien5), te6 giong1 e5 gi5 hui5 提供(當做名詞用),提供的機會 (ref: t000425) opportunity offer (noun), the opportunity offered 10
di6 zun5 dieng4 在船頂 (ref: -) onboard onboard (a ship) 10
ji6 jia5 一隻 (ref: t000027) one one (used as a counter) 10
ji6 le5* 一個 (ref: t000030) one one (used as a counter) 10
ji6 le5 hui5 8siu5 8da5 zui1 jia4, neng6 e5 hui5 8siu5 geng5 zui1 jia4, 8sa5 e5 hui5 8siu5 bhe5 zui1 jia4. 一個和尚擔水吃,兩個和尚扛水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。 (ref: t000028) monk One monk carries two pails of water by balancing them with a pole on his shoulder; two monks carry one single pail of water as if carrying a sedan chair; three monks would rather die from thirst than agreeing upon a way to carry the water. 10
Qin5 8se1 e5 8gia1 a4 親生的兒子 (ref: t000364) idiom one's own very son 10
Ji1 yao6 只要 (ref: t000283) only only 10
a6 si6 an1 ne1 gong4. ya6 si6 an1 ne1 gong4. 或是這麼講。 (ref: -) or Or, let us put it in another way. 10
Wan1 e3, lan1 e3 阮的 (ref: t000431) pronoun our, ours 10
nai6 sim1 耐心 (ref: t000350) patience patience 10
Wu6 nai6 sieng6 有耐性 (ref: t000437) patient patient, having the patience, able to endure 10
pa4 mo5 de4 拍莫島 (ref: t000544) Bible Patmos Island (biblic) 10
be1 lo3 保羅 (ref: be1_00) Paul Paul 10
bieng5 an1 平安 (ref: bieng5_00) peace peace 10
子民 8gia1bhin3, zu1bhin3 (ref: -) politics People, citizen, subject. 根據禮記,古早的皇帝給子民當成自己的孩子。【gi5gu4 li1gi6, go1za4e5 hong5de6 ga6 zu1bhin3 deng4sieng3 ga5di5e5 8gia1a4】According to the Book of Rituals, emperors in the ancient times treated their subjects as their own children. 9
pe5 rui4 zi1 佩瑞茲 (ref: t000591) Bible Perez (biblic) 10
Ze4 sen6 su5 做善事 (ref: t000486) religion perform good deeds 10
Yen1 ghuan3, yen1 wan3 演員 (ref: t000449) profession performer, actor 10
pue4 ga5 mung3 配加蒙 (ref: t000548) Bible Pergamum (biblic) 10
You1 hun3 wui5 sieng5 gong1 ji5 bun4 有恒爲成功之本 (ref: t000468) idiom perseverance yields success 10
hua1 rui6 se1 法瑞希 (ref: t000639) Bible Pharisee (biblic) 10
hui5 lo6 dai6 hui1 飛樂代非 (ref: t000551) Bible Philadelphia (biblic) 10
hui5 li1 pu5 飛利浦 (ref: t000645) Bible Philip (biblic) 10
hui5 li1 bi5 腓利比 (ref: -) Bible Philippi (biblic) 10
pi5 lui3 皮雷 (ref: t000671) Bible Pilate (biblic) 10

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