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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Jiam4 … ban6 yi3 占 。。。 便宜 (ref: t000288) advantage to take advantage of ... 10
jia1 siu1 接收 (ref: t000031) take to take over, to receive 10
gong4 dio6 講到 (ref: -) talking about to talk about, to mention 10
bhan5 bhi5, wan5 bhi5 玩味 (ref: -) taste to taste by mousing, to evaluate (a piece of writing) by going through it back and forth and pondering over it 10
ham5 nia4 頷領 (ref: t000239) taste to taste by mouthing in the cheeks, to understand by examining carefully 10
ga6 ... gong4 給 。。。 講 (ref: -) tell to tell somebody 10
gam1 sia6 sin3 感謝神 (ref: -) thank to thank God 10
8siu6 8kua4 mai5 想看覓 (ref: 8siu6_00) think over to think it over, to give it a thought 10
dan5 lui5 gong1 響雷公 (ref: -) thunder to thunder 10
ga6 wa1 deng4 ze4 8sa5 hui4 ghin1 a4, ga6 lan1 deng4 ze4 8sa5 hui4 ghin1 a4, ga6 lang3 deng4 ze4 8sa5 hui4 ghin1 a4 給我當作三歲孩子,給阮當作三歲孩子,給人當作三歲孩子 (ref: -) treat to treat me like a three-year-old, to treat us like a three-year-old, to treat people like a three-year-old 10
gao1 gan4 8kua4 lang3 ge5 狗眼看人低 (ref: gao1_00) dog to treat others lowly the way a dog looks at a person and thinks that person is lower than himself, the dog, is 10
ga6 ... deng4 ze4 ghen4 tao3 給 。。。 當做願頭 (ref: -) fool to treat someone like an idiot 10
You5 ... e5 guan5 diam4 lai5 8kua6 由。。。觀點來看 (ref: t000470) view to view from the viewpoint of ... 10
bai4 hong4 拜訪 (ref: -) visit to visit 10
8kua4 bhang5 看望 (ref: -) visit to visit, to visit with a purpose of making sure someone is ok or to see how someone is 10
kan5 di5 ge1 牽豬哥 (ref: t000599) idiom to walk the studpig, to walk the studpig like a pet, to mix up with a studmale, to mix up with a gigolo 10
8siu6 bhe1 想要 (ref: -) intent to want to, to intend to 10
ben5 gui1 go4 su5 編鬼故事 (ref: -) fairy tales to weave fairy tales, to talk nonsense, to lie 10
Ko5 si1 a4 口哨子 (ref: t000315) whistle to whistle 10
gieng4 zo6 敬祝 (ref: -) wish to wish someone well respectfully 10
bai6, bai4 bai6 拜,拜拜 (ref: bai4_01) religion to worship 10
Qin4 cai4, qin4 qin4 cai4 cai4, sui5 ben5, sui5 sui5 ben6 ben5, ma1 hu1, ma1 ma1 hu5 hu1, le1 ce4, le1 le1 ce1 ce4 剩菜,剩剩菜菜,隨便,隨隨便便,馬虎,馬馬虎虎,潦草,潦潦草草 (ref: t000262) idiom too loose, too careless, too informal, not with appropriate precision 10
Yong6 bha1 do4 8siu5 ma6 zai2 8ya4 用腹肚想也知樣 (ref: t000465) idiom too plain, so plain that you can see and understand without thinking or with your stomach 10
dieng4 頂 (ref: -) top top, on top, on, onboard 10
bun4 se6 畚圾 (ref: bun4_00) trash trash, scum, useless persons or stuff 10

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