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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Jiong5 wun1 man1 diong3, jiong5 wun1 man1 ze6 榮恩滿堂 (ref: t000300) idiom Grace be among you. Grace be with you. Grace be filling the house. 10
Se5 La4 rin3, Se5 La4 lang3 希臘人 (ref: t000371) people Greek(s) 10
Qieng1 an1 zu4 gieng6 (sia1 pui1 e5 si3 qieng5 wui6 e5 wei6 ghu4)請安致敬 (ref: t000360) idiom greetings, salutations 10
Se5 ghuan3 西元 (ref: t000370) time Gregorian calendar year 10
zue5 罪 (ref: t000509) religion guilt, sin, crime 10
ge5 le4 ho5 格列佛 (ref: ge5_00) Gulliver Gulliver 10
Qiu1 8hua5 手扶 (ref: t000125) handle handle, steering handle 10
ha5 ma1 gi5 dun6 哈馬基頓 (ref: t000580) Bible Harmagedon (biblic) 10
Zu6 ge1 zu6 dua5 自高自大 (ref: t000505) idiom haughty, boastful, conceited 10
Wu6 zu5 ge5 有資格 (ref: t000438) qualification have qualification, be qualified 10
zun5 jiong5 7yo4 尊榮耀 (ref: t000515) honor have serious sense of shame, take one's own honor seriously 10
Wu5 有 (ref: t000433) have have, be, exist 10
bhe5 8ji3 無錢,沒錢 (ref: -) wealth having no money, without money, not rich, poor 10
Yi5 祂 (ref: t000454) pronoun He, Him (meaning God) 10
Yi5 他, 她, 它 (ref: t000453) pronoun he, she, it 10
he4 lo1 dieng1 賀洛丁 (ref: t000676) Bible Herodian (biblic) 10
he4 jie1 ki4 賀則啓 (ref: t000620) Bible Hezekiah (biblic) 10
he4 zu1 long3 賀子龍 (ref: t000593) Bible Hezron (biblic) 10
Yi5 e3 祂的 (ref: t000456) pronoun His (meaning God's) 10
Yi5 e3 他的,她的 (ref: t000455) pronoun his, her, hers 10
Sieng6 lieng3 zu5 sieng6 聖靈之性 (ref: t000384) religion Holy Spirit, quality of being holy, quality of high moral standard, quality of being worthy of respect due to high moral standard 10
bhe5 giu6 沒救,無救 (ref: -) typical hopeless, helpless 10
Zu1 jin3, zu1 lang3 主人 (ref: t000494) master host, master, landlord, head of the house, mistress of the house 10
gui1 幾 (ref: -) number how many? several 10
瞎匆 8ce5gong3 (ref: -) Hurry, rush. 你是在瞎匆什麽?【li1 shi6 de1 8ce5gong3 sa1mi4?】What's your hurry! 悠哉【you5 zai1】to be at leisure 9

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