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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Lam5 hai4 南海 (ref: t000325) place South Sea 10
o5 gan2 a4 de1 dao6 you3; be6 gan2 a4 de1 be6 co6; 8kua4 bhe6 cu5; ma6 8kua4 bhe6 cu5 黑矸子裝豆油;白矸子裝白醋;看不出;也看不出 (ref: t000683) soy sauce Soy sauce in a black bottle; mayonaise in a white bottle; you will never tell; (also see diam6 diam5 jia6 8sa5 8wa1 gong5 8bua6 腆腆吃三碗公半) 10
cu4 jiao1 a4 厝鳥子,屋鳥子 (ref: cu4_00) sparrow sparrow 10
Li1 di1 ki4 jiong3 理直氣壯 (ref: t000326) idiom Speak with a loud voice because one's mind is righteous. 10
de6 be1 特別 (ref: -) special special, specially 10
Sin5 lieng3 心靈 (ref: t000393) religion spirit, heart and soul, part of human beings beyond physical and mental 10
8seng5 8ghiu5 8ghiu1, 8di5 bhu1 bhu5, pang5 qieng4 qieng6, ko1 de6 de4, giam5 7do1 7do5, cao4 8hi5 8hi1, hiang5 gi5 gi1 酸溜溜,甜茹茹,香沁沁,苦茶茶,鹹漬漬,臭醺醺,辛吱吱 (ref: 8seng5_00) senses squeaky-squeaky sour, kissing-kissing sweet, hearty-hearty aromatic, tea-tea bitter, pickle-pickle salty, steamy-steamy stinky, giggle-giggle spicy 10
ho1 tao3 nao1 qi1 bhuei4 虎頭貓鼠尾 (ref: ho1_00) idiom Starts big;ends small. (Tiger head; mouse tail.) 10
Yao1, 7bha1 do4 yao1, yao5 ga1 bhe1 si4 餓,腹肚餓,餓給要死 (ref: t000447) typical starve, be hungry, be hungry to the degree as if dying 10
ca5 sio5 bao1 叉燒包 (ref: ca5_00) food steamed bun stuffed with sweet meat 10
diam6 diam5 jia6 8sa5 8wa1 gong5 8bua6 腆腆吃三碗公半 (ref: diam6_00) quiet Still water runs deep. (A quiet and shy person consumes three and a half big bowls of rice already while others are talking their heads off!) Watch out for the quiet ones. 10
Hong5 be6 風暴 (ref: t000268) storm 10
gi5 gi5 guai4 guai6 奇奇怪怪 (ref: -) strange strange, weird 10
go4 ji5 固執 (ref: -) stubborn stubborn 10
ti4 ki4 鐵齒 (ref: ti4_00) typical stubborn (iron teethed) 10
ghong6 8siu5 愚想 (ref: -) stupid stupid idea, silly whim 10
dai5 tao3 dai5 nao4, nao1 gin1 sio4 do4 sio4 do6 呆頭呆腦,腦筋秀凸秀凸 (ref: -) idiom stupid, to have a short in the brain 10
gam5 8di1 甘甜 (ref: -) taste sweet 10
Tai4 7gi1 gun3, tai4 7gie1 gun3 太極拳 (ref: t000424) sport taijiquan, shadow boxing, a form of peaceful martial art invented by Chinese 10
dai5 wan3 台灣,臺灣 (ref: dai5_00) Taiwan Taiwan 10
dai5 wan5 lang3 (ghuan5 zu4 bhieng3, he5 le1 lang3, ke4 lang3, ghua6 sieng1 a4, ghua6 jie1 sin5 niu3), dai6 lio6 ke5, ghua6 go1 lang3, a5 do1 a4 台灣人(原住民,河洛人,客人,外省子,外籍新娘),大陸客,外國人,阿凸子 (ref: dai5_01) Taiwan Taiwanese people (the Aboriginals, the He-Luo people whose ancestors came with General Zheng Chenggong at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Hakka, the Other-Provincers who or whose ancestors came with President Jiang Zhongzheng at the end of the civil war during the 1940's, the imported brides), the oversea Chinese, the Mainland China guests, foreigners, the Protruding Noses (Westerners -- as compared with Taiwanese or some other people's having flat noses) 10
gong1 qi4 … e5 ji1 hang6 dai6 ji6 講起 。。。 的這項代志 (ref: -) talking about Talking about ... 10
ta5 ma4 塔瑪 (ref: t000590) Bible Tamar (biblic) 10
Zu5 bhi5 滋味 (ref: t000497) senses taste or flavor 10
Siong6 yao1 siu5 e5, siong6 gai4 yao1 siu5 e5, yao1 siu5 上夭壽的,上界夭壽的,夭壽 (ref: t000403) typical terrible to the most degree, the most life-demanding 10

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