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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Zu6 ze4 cong5 mieng3 自作聰明 (ref: t000503) idiom playing smart; to be too smart for oneself; usually used in the context of 'nobody told him to do anything; why did he have to be so smart as to ...." 10
Zi1 siong5 指向 (ref: t000489) directon point toward, point to 10
Zan4 yong3 讚揚 (ref: t000478) praise praise, to proclaim as good and broadcast 10
Zu4 de4, gi5 de4 祝禱,祈禱 (ref: t000496) religion pray 10
sui1 dang5 dang1 水噹噹 (ref: t000420) typical pretty 10
Tuan5 7ho6 yim1 傳福音 (ref: t000426) proclaim proclaim the Gospel, spread the Gospel 10
Yieng4 su4 lan4 應許阮 (ref: t000459) promise promise us, honor our request 10
Sieng5 di1 先知 (ref: t000379) religion prophet 10
Sio5 jiong5 ki4 en6 囂張氣焰 (ref: t000397) idiom puffed up in a big way, running over others 10
Zuan5 bhun3 專門 (ref: t000506) specialization purposefully, especially, specialized in 10
pi5 ru5 su1 皮如斯 (ref: -) Bible Pyrrhus (biblic) 10
Su1 do3 e5 zu5 ge5 使徒的資格 (ref: t000408) religion qualifications of being an apostle 10
rui4 hai4 瑞海 (ref: t000603) Bible Rahab (biblic) 10
哩哩叩叩 li5 li1 ko1 ko5 (ref: aaa-aa) order random, randomly 10
Li5 li1 ko1 ko5, luan5 7qi1 ba5 zao1, wai5 ge5 qi6 cua4 離離可可,亂七八糟,歪糕擠扯 (ref: t000327) typical real mess 10
ghuan5 yim1, wan5 yim1 原因 (ref: -) reason reason 10
guan5 he5 (1), wui6 liao6 ... e5 guan5 he5 關係,為了 。。。 的關係 (ref: -) reason reason, for the reason that ... 10
de6 li4, sio5 gang3 e5 de5 li4 道理,相同的道理 (ref: -) reason reason, for the same reason 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha5 紅燒牛肉 (ref: ang5_03) food red roast beef 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha4 mi5 紅燒牛肉麵 (ref: ang5_02) food red roast beef noodle 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 gin5 mi5 紅燒牛筋麵 (ref: ang5_04) food red roast beef tendon noodle 10
ang5 gu1 (ang5 guan5 gong1, be6 lao5 7bi5, o5 di5 hui1, zao1 hi4 7bhi5) 紅龜(紅關公,白劉備,烏張飛,跑去避) (ref: ang5_00) food red steamed bun (a very popular children's riddle makes use of the three historical figures romanitized by the classic novel '三國演義 Romance of The Three Kingdoms'; one of them had red skin, another white, and yet another dark, which are the three colors of a steamed bun: red crust, white bread, and black stuffing.) 10
ang5 gu5 gui4 紅龜糕 (ref: ang5_01) food red steamed glutinous rice cake 10
li1 he4 bun4 李賀本 (ref: t000612) Bible Rehoboam (biblic) 10
Wu6 guan1, you1 guan1 有關 (ref: t000435) concerning related, being related, have relation, concerning, pertaining 10

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