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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
dui4 huan4 對反 (ref: -) opposite to be the opposite, to be on the contrary 10
gong1 sin4 yong5 講信用 (ref: -) trustworthy to be trustworthy 10
cui5 li3, bun5 li3 吹離 (ref: -) blow to blow away 10
dia6 bhi4 糴米 (ref: dia6_00) rice to buy rice 10
gai1 ben6 改變 (ref: -) change to change 10
bo6 giam5 gan2 na4 sio5 siang3 哺鹹橄子相像 (ref: bo6_00) food to chew a pickled olive in the mouth; to appreciate the taste slowly; to ponder over something slowly 10
Lai3 (ref: t000321) come to come 10
zo1 o6 de5 duan1 作惡多端 (ref: t000043) idiom to commit evil in multitude 10
gui5 sun6 歸順 (ref: -) religion to convert to, to come to submit oneself to 10
yi5 yong5 wue6 ho5 lo3 依樣畫葫蘆 (ref: -) idiom to copy 10
o5 luan6 pue5 pieng5 lang3 胡亂批評人 (ref: t000354) bad to critize people randomly, to ctitize without good reasons 10
Ki5 bhong6 liong5 di1 欺罔良知 (ref: t000312) idiom to deceive the conscience 10
cu1 hua5 出發 (ref: -) depart to depart on a journey, to start to go, to begin a (running, walking, flying, rowing, sailing, etc.) race 10
ga6 ... 給 。。。 (ref: -) have to do something to somebody 10
bi1 cu4 go1 le5, pi1 cu4 go1 le5 彼此鼓勵 (ref: bi1_00) idiom to encourage one another 10
bhieng5 kie5 yu5 sim1 銘刻於心 (ref: bhieng5_00) idiom to engrave in the heart 10
de6 le5 墮落 (ref: -) moral to fall morally, to be lost morally 10
he1 kang1, 8pai1 kang1, bhe5 he1 kang1 好孔,壞孔,沒好孔 (ref: he1_02) fortune to fare well, not to fare well; to have good luck, not to have good luck 10
dua6 8sia5 bang4 pui6 大聲放屁 (ref: -) fart to fart loudly, to talk emptily and loudly 10
gam1 ga1, gam1 ka1 感覺 (ref: -) feel to feel 10
gen4 siao3 慚羞 (ref: -) shame to feel shame, to be shameful 10
du1 a1 he4, du1 du1 he4 遇子好, 遇遇好 (ref: -) coincident to fit perfectly, to match perfectly, to have perfect timing; (literally: to be meetingly-meetingly perfect, to be fittingly-fittingly perfect) 10
bhe6 gi6 ji6 li6 未記憶裏 (ref: bhe6_00) typical to forget, not to remember, not to have written in the book of mind 10
hieng5 sieng3 形成 (ref: t000246) form to form, to take shape 10
qi4 ho5, su4 ho5 賜予 (ref: t000358) religion to give ... as a gift, to give, to gift someone with ... 10

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