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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Ya1 bhan5 jin3, ya1 bhan5 lang3 野蠻人 (ref: t000446) people barbarian 10
ba5 sa1 lo1 mu4 巴薩羅幕 (ref: -) Bible Bartholomew (biblical) 10
gin5 bun4 根本 (ref: -) basic basically, despitefully 10
Wui5 se4 gai6 so1 zan4 yong3 爲世界所讚揚 (ref: t000439) idiom be applauded by the whole world 10
Si5 是 (ref: t000375) be be, yes 10
Yin5 wui6 因爲 (ref: t000461) because because 10
Wui6 dio6, wei6 liao6 爲到, 爲了 (ref: t000440) cause because, for the sake of, on account of 10
Sieng5 wui3 成爲 (ref: t000382) become become 10
Lai5 sieng5 wui5 yi5 e5 zu1 bhin3 (min3)來成爲他的子民 (ref: t000323) religion become His subject(s), convert to His following, convert to His belief 10
bhua5 tao3 魔頭 (ref: -) Bible Beelzebul (biblical) 10
Sin4 yong4, sin4 8yiu4 信仰 (ref: t000390) belief believe, belief 10
ban5 jie1 班澤 (ref: -) Bible Benjamin (biblical) 10
bi4 lo5 a1 碧羅阿 (ref: -) Bible Beroea (biblic) 10
bun5 leng3 se5 si1, bun5 neng3 se5 si1 檳榔西施 (ref: bun5_00) betelnut betelnut girl 10
be5 zan4 ni3 貝讚尼 (ref: -) Bible Bethany (biblical) 10
be5 su5 hui1 貝思斐 (ref: -) Bible Bethphage (biblical) 10
be6 sai4 da1 白賽達 (ref: -) Bible Bethsaida (biblical) 10
bhi5 bhong3 迷惘 (ref: bhi5_00) bewildered bewildered, lost, confused 10
Sieng4 gieng1 聖經 (ref: t000378) religion Bible 10
ca5 gieng1 查經 (ref: -) Bible study Bible study, to study the Bible 10
Ka5 da6 qia1 脚踏車 (ref: t000259) transportation bibycle 10
dua6 gang5 dieng3, sa1 mi1 dua6 gang5 dieng3 大工程!什麽大工程! (ref: -) big deal Big deal! What's the big deal! (Originally: Big engineering project! What's the big engineering project?) 10
dua5 大 (ref: -) big big, large, huge, great, tremendous 10
dua6 bai3 den6 8ya5 bhieng5 sieng1 大牌電影明星 (ref: dua6_00) big shot bigshot movie stars 10
Jiao4 鳥 (ref: t000289) animal bird, birds 10

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