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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
guan5 he5 (2) yin5 wui6 wa1 hu6 qin1 bhe5 8ji3 e5 guan5 he5, wa1 za6 qi1 hui6 de6 tieng5 e4 a6. 關係:因為我父親沒錢的關係,我十七歲就停學了。 (ref: -) reason (for the reason of ... ) Example: Because my father was not rich, I stopped going to school when I was seventeen. 10
bho2 lin4 gu6, bhe2 lin4 gu6, 7ka5 7do1 lu5, pa4 ti4, tang2 7ga1 lu5, so4 da6, gha5 so1 lin4, a5 lu1 mi5, ga5 lun3, mo5 te1 lu5, mo5 de1 lu5, ka6 la1 OK 模林谷(鏜孔),麥林谷(軸承),卡多錄(目錄),打鐵(派對),唐佳路(二氧化鈦),蘇打(碳酸鈣),加所林(汽油),阿路米(鋁),加侖(加侖),模帖路(汽車旅館),模得路(模特兒),卡拉OK(卡拉OK) (ref: bho2_00) imported words (metal work) boring, bearings, catalogue, party, TiO2, soda, gasoline, aluminum, gallon, motel, model, karaoke; all of these are imported words 10
ho5 ... 被 。。。 (ref: t000249) passive (This word forms the passive expressions) to be ... by ... 10
diong5 gan1, diong5 eng1 中間,中央 (ref: -) center (to be) between, (to be) among 10
yi1 lio6 giu1 giu4 1699 (ref: t000041) 1699 1699 10
an1 nia2 wei2! 俺娘喂! (ref: an1_01) exclamation a classical Taiwanese exclamatory favored by the female 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 da5 hui6 e6, 7za6 hui4 diam1 a4 菜市子賣乾貨的,雜貨店子 (ref: cai4_02) market a dry goods vendor, a grocery store 10
gu6 ha3 ji6 dong5 8gho4, 8gua5 di4 ha5 ka5 to3, ki1 niam6 8bua5 diong5 si1, 7lia5 7lia1 je5 sin5 ko4? 鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾腳土,豈念盤中飧,粒粒皆辛苦? (ref: gu6_00) poem A farmer plows under the midday sun and his sweats drop into the soil under the rice plant leaves; when we gather around the table to sup, has anyone thought about how each grain in our bowls was cultivated? 10
You1 bieng3 ghan1 hong5 lai3, sim5 8gua1 jin5 8hua5 hi4; bh5 8ji3 8gia5 cam5 8tia1, jia6 jiu4 pui4 to5 dao5 有朋遠方來,心肝真歡喜;沒錢走餐廳,喫酒配土豆 (ref: t000467) poem a friend of mine came to visit me from a faraway place, and my heart is overjoyed; for the fact that I cannot afford the money to go to the restaurant, we enjoy wine and peanut at the house. 10
ji6 din5, ji6 zun5 一陣 (ref: t000029) a a moment of, a bout of (rain) 10
Ho6 gun3 gao1 dong4 狐群狗黨 (ref: t000254) idiom a pack of wolves (of people) 10
hui5, wa6 hui5, si1 hui5, jio5 hui2 a4 會,活會,死會,招會子 (ref: t000564) bank a social banking practice typical of Taiwanese people, and a very popular one. The word 'hui5' means 'meeting' or 'togetherness'; however, in this case it is not the meeting or togetherness of people, but of money. When someone is in need of a rather large sum of money, he will go around and collect the money and the agreement (not necessarily in the paper form) of severel people -- one or two dozens usually. That down payments from everyone else will be at his disposal. From the second month on, they will bid. The person who bids with the highest interest rate will collect the money of the second installments from everybody else and will be responsible for paying his own remaining installments with the interest rate he has bid with. The bidding goes on from month to month until the last month when the remaining one who has never won the bidding will collect his money. He does not have to bid now because there is no more competition and will just collect all the interests that everybody else has promised along with the principals. When we say 'wa6 hui5', we are saying this person is still alive, meaning, he did not draw the money yet. On the other hand, 'si1 hui5' refers to someone who has already drown the money. The most funny application of these terms to other areas than this banking business is to refer to someone who is not married yet; we will say he is 'wa6 hui5', while people who are already married are considered 'si1 hui5', because, in a way, he is 'dead'. ( 10
a5 be1 亞伯 (ref: -) Bible Abel (biblical) 10
a5 bi4 jia1 阿必加 (ref: -) Bible Abijah (biblical) 10
a5 bi4 yu3 阿必于 (ref: -) Bible Abiud (biblical) 10
Wu6 7hua1 do5 有法度 (ref: t000434) typical able, have means to do, capable of doing 10
a5 bo5 la1 han6 亞伯拉罕 (ref: -) Bible Abraham (biblical) 10
zua6 dui4 絕對 (ref: t000044) absolute absolute, absolutely 10
zua6 bu1 liu5 jieng3 絕不留情 (ref: t000045) idiom absolutely having no mercy, absolutely leaving no mercy 10
an4 jio6 按照 (ref: -) according to according to 10
pieng6 ga5 di5 e5 qieng5 sin6 憑自己的虔信 (ref: t000356) religion according to each's piety 10
gin5 gu6 根據 (ref: -) according to according to, to base on 10
a5 kai5 ya4 阿開亞 (ref: -) Bible Achaia (biblical) 10
a5 kim1 阿欽 (ref: -) Bible Achim (biblical) 10
Zo6 hong1 ga5 you3 助風加油 (ref: t000493) idiom add wind and gas to the fire, make things worse on purpose 10

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