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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Qieng5 ki4 liu5 liu1 清氣溜溜 (ref: t000362) idiom clean and sleek 10
Qieng5 qieng5 ce1 ce4 清清楚楚 (ref: t000363) idiom clear without any doubt or ambiguity 10
hieng5 wui3 zun1 jie5 行為準則 (ref: t000247) code code of conducts 10
Lai5 zi4 來自 (ref: t000324) from come from, be from 10
Ho5 lan1 bai4 to5 ji6 le6, ma6 de6 ho5 lan1 na0 bai4 to5 ji6 le6 給阮拜託一下,莫道給阮拜託一下 (ref: t000563) implore Come on! Let us implore you. Can't you let us implore you! 10
dua6 gong1 bhu5 su1, dua6 gong1 wu5 su1 大公無私 (ref: dua6_01) impartial completely impartial -- a famous motto of Dr. Sun Zhongshan, the Father of the Republic of China, citing the classical Book of Rituals. The original sentence is: 大道之行也天下為公 "When the heavenly way is in force, the world is open and impartial to all." 10
yo5, gu6 yo5, sin5 yo5 約,舊約, 新約 (ref: t000527) religion covenant, the Old Testament, the New Testament 10
Ze4 bhu6 zu4 造物主 (ref: t000484) religion Creator 10
se5 lin3 西林 (ref: t000672) Bible Cyrene (biblic) 10
song1 8wuai5 8wuai1 爽歪歪 (ref: song1_00) cool Damn good! Damn cool! Damn fancy! 10
dan4 ni5 o4 旦尼爾 (ref: -) Bible Daniel (biblic) 10
o5 am6 黑暗 (ref: t000353) dark dark 10
Su6 gi1 事跡 (ref: t000413) deeds deeds, events, doings 10
di5 bhi1 cue1 迪米崔 (ref: -) Bible Demetrius (biblic) 10
Sieng5 hieng3 成行 (ref: t000380) trip depart, begin a trip 10
Li6 kui1 離開 (ref: t000328) depart depart, separate 10
Siong5 8ti1 ni5 gang6 從天而降 (ref: t000400) idiom descend from heaven 10
zue6 gai5 bhan6 si4 罪該萬死 (ref: t000511) idiom deserve to die ten thousand times 10
hang5 siong6 航向 (ref: t000241) navigation direction of navigation, heading 10
Ze4 dai6 ji6 做事情 (ref: t000485) do do (something) 10
Ze4 ... siu5 sieng3 做。。。收成 (ref: t000483) harvest do the harvest of ... 10
Yi5 sieng1 醫生 (ref: t000457) profession doctor 10
yi1 li6 jia1 以利佳 (ref: t000636) Bible Eleazar (biblic) 10
yi1 li6 gim1 以利金 (ref: t000631) Bible Eliakim (biblic) 10
yi1 li6 yu3 以利于 (ref: t000635) Bible Eliud (biblic) 10

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