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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
sa5 di4 you3 撒地由 (ref: t000649) Bible Thaddaeus (biblic) 10
8wa1 ge1, re6 jieng3 e5 8wa1 ge1, siao4 len5 lang3 re6 jieng3 e5 8wa1 ge1 碗糕,熱情的碗糕,少年人熱情的碗糕 (ref: 8wa1_00) stuff that thing called ..., the stuff called ..., the stuff called passion, the stuff called young men's passion 10
gao6 到 (ref: -) to the 'to' in 'from ... to ... ' 10
dieng6 guan4 qi3 定冠詞 (ref: -) the the -- here, it it referring to the definite article 'the' in English grammar, because in Taiwanese, there is no such thing; we will use 'this' instead. 10
de6 8sa5 e3 第三個 (ref: -) third the 3rd of (something - not the date of the month) 10
e5 的 (ref: -) possessive ending the adjective ending, or the possessive adjective ending which is equvalent to the apostrophy ('s) in English 10
he1 jiu4 dim5 ong4 de4 好酒沈甕底 (ref: he1_01) idiom The best wine sinks to the bottom of the brewer urn. The best acts await the end of the show. 10
Zan4, siong6 ge4 zan4, siong6 gai4 zan4, ge4 zan4 bhe5 bi4 讚,上界讚,界讚無比 (ref: t000479) best the best, without peer, peerless 10
ho1 bhu3 zu1 gieng5 福無止境 (ref: t000019) blessing the bliss is boundless, endless blessings 10
第零聲, 輕聲 0 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The diminished tone. The pronunciation is diminished by greatly decreasing the volume of the vowel(s) involved, leaving only the consonant to represent the syllable. 爸爸【ba4ba0】father, dad. 媽媽【ma1ma0】mother, mom. In both words, the second syllable is diminished. The same goes with 哥哥【ge1ge0】elder brother, 姐姐【jie3jie0】elder sister, 弟弟【di4di0】younger brother, and 妹妹【mei4mei0】younger sister. 9
第五聲 5 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The fifth tone, also the mid level tone. 在哪【di6due5】where, at which place? 土豆【to5dao5】peanut. It can be represented musically as 'mi' in Key C. 9
第一聲 1 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The first tone. It is also the high level tone. 孩子【ghin1a4】child,枕頭【jim1tao3】pillow. The first syllable in both words starts with the first intonation. The first intonation in Taiwanese is the same as that in Mandarin Chinese. Intonations 1 through 4 plus the 0 intonation (denoting diminished tone) are the same in both Taiwanese and Mandarin Chinese. In Taiwanese there are two more tones: 5 and 6. The fifth tone is the middle level tone, and the sixth is the lower level tone. We will see examples when their turns come up. Musically, this high level tone will be 'la' in key C. 9
吃飯了沒?吃飽沒? jia6beng5a5 bhue5? jia6ba4 bhue5? 吃飯了沒?吃飽沒?Did you eat? Are you full? (ref: t000579) alternative culture The first two sentences that some vulgar lyricist put to the beginning of the Wedding March. The products of vulgar lyricists are fun. They are usually short, covering only the first few verses of the entire song. Some other examples include "黑貓在那坐,沒穿褲。" 【o5niao1 di6hia1ze5,bhe5 qieng5ko6】Look at that crazy chic! Sitting there without wearing a pair of pants. Another: "奇怪?奇怪?沒翁奈會大腹肚?" 【gi5guai6? gi5guai6? bhe5ang1 na4e6 dua6bha1do4】 Strange? Strange? How come she is pregnant and not married? And Hank William's Jambalaya was changed into: "粘子膠,黏到腳,哎唷!哎唷!" 【dam1ma1ga1 liam5dio6ka1, ai5yo6! ai5yo6!】The pavement pitch sticks to my feet. Alas! Alas! 10
第四聲 4 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The fourth tone. It is the falling tone. 腫起來【jieng4ki6lai6】to be swollen up. 趕緊【8gua1gin4】Hurry up! [used when urging someone to make haste]. The first syllable in the first example is in the fourth tone. So is the second syllable in the second example. Musically, it will be 'do-si-la-so'. 9
ho6 yim1 福音 (ref: t000011) gospel the gospel, the good news 10
Hun4 nu6 e5 pe5 te3 憤怒的葡萄 (ref: t000278) rage The Grape of Wrath 10
ten1 hieng3 gen6, gun5 zu4 yi1 zu6 giong3 bu1 si1 天行健,君子以自強不息。 (ref: ten1_00) idiom The heavenly bodies keep going strong, so shall we persevere in striving for the better (of all mankinds.) 10
Jin5 hieng3 人形 (ref: t000297) shape the human shape, the human figure, the human image, an idol 10
Ko5 le2 a4, sio1 7su2 la4 吹囉子,小卒子 (ref: t000314) pawn the insignificant followers of a gang 10
qieng5 ten5 dua6 lao1 ya3, bao5 qieng5 ten1 青天大老爺,包青天 (ref: -) folklore the just, the Justice, the Judge, Bao Qingtian (honored as the best judge in Chinese history) 10
lao4 si2 a4 漏翅子 (ref: t000600) typical the lost -- used originally to refer to those girls who rushed to the industrial areas to get a job, usually from rural areas, and got disoriented socially, and thus lost, in most cases, morally (Literally: 1) the chickens that got lost from their mothers; 2) the chicks themselves having leaks in their wings and not able to fly properly. Either case, they became easy preys for potential predators.) 10
gho5 ghue6 五月 (ref: -) month the month of May 10
lu1 ... lu1 越 。。。 越 (ref: t000339) the more the more ... the more ... 10
標示鼻音音節之起頭 8 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The number '8' at the beginning of a syllable signals that the sound of the syllable is to be nasalized. 鼻【8pi5】nose. 堅【8ge5】strong, stiff. Both syllables are nasalized. 9
hui6 tao3, hui6 bhuei4, jiao5 hui2 a4, dui4 hui2 a4 會頭,會尾,招會子,隨會子 (ref: t000565) bank the one who collects together a 'hui'; the last one to draw money from a 'hui'; to collect together a 'hui'; to join a 'hui' 10

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