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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Jieng4 gue1 7die6 gue1, jieng4 dao5 7die6 dao5 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 (ref: t000291) idiom Whatever you sow, you harvest; if you sow melon, you harvest melon, and if you sow legume, you harvest legume. 10
he1 su5 de5 bhua3 好事多磨 (ref: t000523) idiom When good things are coming, there are a lot of sufferrings. 10
Hui6 (2) 歲 (ref: t000276) age When he was seventeen ... 10
yin1 zui4 su5 wan3 飲水思源 (ref: -) idiom When you drink water, think about where it comes from. Give thanks to whatever made what you have today. Remember your root. Remember your ancestors. 10
di6 due5? 在哪? (ref: -) where where? to be where? 10
Huan6 se4 huan6 se6, huan6 se6 (huan6 se6 yi5 yao1 e6 sai4 gai1 go6 zu6 sin1, pa4 8bia4 ze4 lang3.) 犯勢犯勢 (ref: t000270) idiom Who knows!? 10
an1 8zua1 8you5? wui6 si1 mi4? 怎麼樣? 為什麼? (ref: an1_00) why Why? 10
kan5 qiu4, lao6 kan5 qiu4 牽手,老牽手 (ref: t000520) family wife, old wife, spouse, old spouse (literally means 'holding hand'.) 10
Sin5 zi4 神旨 (ref: t000395) religion will of God, purpose of God, decree of God 10
gam5 ghuan5, sin5 gam1 jieng5 ghuan5 甘願,心甘情願 (ref: gam5_00) will willingly, with the whole heart 10
gim5 gong1 qiang6 qiang6 gun4, en5 qien3 ca1 bhi1 hun4 金光閃閃滾,香腸炒米粉 (ref: gim5_00) exageration With a lot of flares and lightenings, one is stir-frying rice noodle with silced sausages. A lot of thunders followed by a little rain. With a lot of exagerations ... 10
jia6 kun4 tao5 ge1 吃睏頭家 (ref: jia6_00) tradition with room and board to be taken care of by the boss -- as a condition of employment or apprenticeship in the old Taiwanese tradition 10
jia6 tao5 ge1, kun4 tao5 ge5 niu3 吃頭家,睏頭家娘 (ref: jia6_01) tradition with room to be furnished by the wife of the boss and the meals to be furnished by the boss -- an extemely popular for-the-fun-of-saying-it joke, not to take seriously but as something fun to say: when someone was hired in the old Taiwanese boss-apprentice tradition, there was an agreement as to how the apprentice's room and board (his meals and a place for him to stay) would be furnished, and when they were to be taken care of by the boss, the apprentice might jokingly tell his friends that he would eat with the boss and sleep with the wife of the boss (not to offend anyone, but just for the fun of saying it), which everybody knew was not to be taken seriously. 10
bhe5 liong5 sim1 沒良心,無良心 (ref: -) typical without conscience, having no conscience 10
bhe5 li1 you3 沒理由 (ref: -) typical without reason, unreasonable, unreasonably 10
bhe5 jin5 bhe5 li4 無真無理 (ref: -) idiom without truth, empty or false (talk) 10
Ze4 gen4 jieng6 作見證 (ref: t000492) witness witness, be the witness of... 10
Za5 bho1 lang3 查女人 (ref: t000475) gender woman, women 10
Huan5 le4 ko1 co4 煩惱苦楚 (ref: t000269) torment worries, torments, distress 10
hua1 lu1 diao5 bhun3 法律條文 (ref: t000020) law written articles of laws 10
ni3 年 (ref: t000351) time year 10
Hui6 (1) 歲 (ref: t000275) age years of age 10
Lin4 ne0 你們 (ref: t000331) pronoun you (plural) 10
siao4 len3 e5 少年的 (ref: -) people young people 10
gui4 de5 貴地 (ref: -) honorable your honorable place 10

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