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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
bu1 lun3 bu1 lui5 不倫不類 (ref: -) resemble not resembling anything (as a result of not adhering to any principle) 10
de6 be1 特別 (ref: -) special special, specially 10
bha6 jiu1, bha6 bhai3, bha6 sai4, bha6 jiu5 meng3 目睛,目眉,目屎,目睛冒 (ref: bha6_00) body eye, eyebrow, tears, eye lash 10
cu1 8se1, cu1 8si1, cu1 sieng1, cu1 si6 , cu1 se6 出生,出世 (ref: -) born to be born 10
cu1 hua5 出發 (ref: -) depart to depart on a journey, to start to go, to begin a (running, walking, flying, rowing, sailing, etc.) race 10
ha6 hao5 學校 (ref: t000008) school school 10
hi1 gua1 a4 那些子 (ref: t000009) those those 10
ho6 wa4 復活 (ref: t000010) resurrection to resurrect, to come back to life from death 10
ho6 yim1 福音 (ref: t000011) gospel the gospel, the good news 10
ji1 gun5 這群 (ref: t000012) group this group of 10
do6 liong5, sin5 siong1, sim5 8gua1 度量,心胸,心肝 (ref: -) measure measure, a measure of someone's heart, chest, and liver; open-minded-ness, tolerance 10
lio6 gun1 -- zong1 su5 lieng5, su4 8ce5 siong6 jiong6, diong5 jiong6, siao4 jiong6, zun1 jiong6; siong6 hao5, diong5 hao5, siao4 hao5; siong6 wui6, diong5 wui6, siao4 wui6; su6 8gua1 8diu4, su6 8gua1, su6 bieng1; lao6 o2 a4, qiong5 wan2 a4 陸軍 - 總司令,四星上將,中將,少將,准將; 上校,中校,少校,上尉,中尉,少尉;士官長,士官,士兵;老芋子,充員子 (ref: t000013) ranks In the Army -- General of the Army, general, lieutenant general, major general, brigadier general; colonal, lieutenant colonal, major; captain, first lieutenant, second lieutenant; master sergeant, sergeant, private; (affintives) 'old taros' to refer to those old soldiers, most of them were sergeants, who came from the Mainland when the government moved to Taiwan; 'the enlisted' refer to the soldiers who are enlisted nowadays in Taiwan. 10
bha5, 8mu6 bha5 曾, 不曾 (ref: -) typical to have experienced, not to have experienced; to know, not to know 10
bu1 dan6 ... o1 qie4 ... 不但 。。。 而且。。。 (ref: -) not only not only ... but also ... 10
bu1 guan1 si6 8sa1 mi1 lang3. 不管是什麼人。 (ref: -) matter It does not matter who it is. 10
yi1 lio6 giu1 giu4 1699 (ref: t000041) 1699 1699 10
bu1 hao6 be6 bhe4 不肖父母, 不孝父母 (ref: -) filial not to show filial piety to own parents 10
bu1 zu6 ren3 不自然  (ref: -) nature not natural, artificial, artificially, not free of pretense; not feeling easy 10
ho1 bhu3 zu1 gieng5 福無止境 (ref: t000019) blessing the bliss is boundless, endless blessings 10
hua1 lu1 diao5 bhun3 法律條文 (ref: t000020) law written articles of laws 10
hua1 8gua1 法官 (ref: t000021) judge judge 10
ji1 gun6 lang3 這群人 (ref: t000022) group this group of people 10
ji1 jia4 zun3 這隻船 (ref: t000023) ship this ship 10
ji1 kuan4 這款 (ref: t000024) kind this kind of 10
ji1 le3* 這個, 這例 (ref: t000025) this this 10

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