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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Siong6 de6 e5 8gia1 a4 上帝的兒子 (ref: t000402) religion Son of God 10
Su1 do3 e5 zu5 ge5 使徒的資格 (ref: t000408) religion qualifications of being an apostle 10
Su1 do3, do5 de5 使徒,徒弟 (ref: t000410) religion apostle, apprentice, disciple 10
Su4 hong6 sin3 侍奉神 (ref: t000411) religion serve God 10
Wui6 siong6 de6 爲上帝 (ref: t000442) religion for God 10
Wun5 qi6, wun5 su6 恩賜 (ref: t000444) religion given as a grace, grace given 10
Yong1 sieng1 永生 (ref: t000463) religion eternal life 10
Yong6 yi5 e5 mia5 ghi5 用祂的名義 (ref: t000466) religion in His name 10
You5 si1 bhong3 ge1 ho6 sieng1 由死亡更復生 (ref: t000472) religion to resurrect from death 10
Ze4 bhu6 zu4 造物主 (ref: t000484) religion Creator 10
Zu1 ya5 so1 主耶穌 (ref: t000495) religion Lord Jesus Christ 10
Zu4 de4, gi5 de4 祝禱,祈禱 (ref: t000496) religion pray 10
zue5 罪 (ref: t000509) religion guilt, sin, crime 10
Zue4 ao5 e5 sin1 8pua6 最後的審判 (ref: t000510) religion Last Judgment 10
yo5, gu6 yo5, sin5 yo5 約,舊約, 新約 (ref: t000527) religion covenant, the Old Testament, the New Testament 10
Sieng4 geng4, sieng gen6 聖卷 (ref: t000377) relition scripture scrolls 10
Sieng6 聖 (ref: t000383) relition saint, revered, respected due to high moral standard 10
Sin3 神 (ref: t000387) relition god, deity, God 10
de6 ai4 hui1gai4 就要悔改 (ref: -) repent must repent 10
Yao5 giu3 要求 (ref: t000448) request ask, request 10
bu1 lun3 bu1 lui5 不倫不類 (ref: -) resemble not resembling anything (as a result of not adhering to any principle) 10
zun5 gieng5 尊敬 (ref: t000514) respect respect 10
ho6 wa4 復活 (ref: t000010) resurrection to resurrect, to come back to life from death 10
dia6 bhi4 糴米 (ref: dia6_00) rice to buy rice 10
de6 si6 an1 ne1, de6 si6 7ji1 le5 kuan4 就是這樣,就是這個款 (ref: -) same like this, exactly like this, just like this, in this shape, in this form, in this manner, in this way, for this reason 10

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