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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Si6 hui5 sen6 o5 是非善惡 (ref: t000376) idiom right and wrong, good and evil 10
Sio5 jiong5 ki4 en6 囂張氣焰 (ref: t000397) idiom puffed up in a big way, running over others 10
Siong5 sim1 bhan6 jiong5 雄心萬丈 (ref: t000398) idiom ambitious extremely, ambitious in a big way 10
Siong5 8ti1 ni5 gang6 從天而降 (ref: t000400) idiom descend from heaven 10
So1 ze6 so1 wui3 所作所爲 (ref: t000407) idiom whatever one does 10
Sun5 giu5 bhan6 bang1 尋求萬邦 (ref: t000422) idiom search over all nations 10
Wui5 se4 gai6 so1 zan4 yong3 爲世界所讚揚 (ref: t000439) idiom be applauded by the whole world 10
Wui6 kao4 dua6 kui1 胃口大開 (ref: t000441) idiom appetite is whipped up 10
yin5 en0 e5 liong5 sim1 de6 si6 hua1 lu1 e5 8gia6 他們的良心就是法律的鏡 (ref: t000460) idiom (Because of the code of conduct that is enchiseled in their hearts) their hearts are a mirror of the laws; their hearts are the embodiment of the laws; their hearts are the laws themselves. 10
yong1 bu1 ji1 sie1 永不止息 (ref: t000462) idiom to go on forever 10
Yong1 sui3 7bu1 siu3 永垂不朽 (ref: t000464) idiom forever lasting, never rusted 10
Yong6 bha1 do4 8siu5 ma6 zai2 8ya4 用腹肚想也知樣 (ref: t000465) idiom too plain, so plain that you can see and understand without thinking or with your stomach 10
You1 hun3 wui5 sieng5 gong1 ji5 bun4 有恒爲成功之本 (ref: t000468) idiom perseverance yields success 10
Jiong1 wu6 7ji6 7ji1 終有一日 (ref: t000491) idiom There will be the day. 10
Zu6 be4 zu6 ki6 自暴自棄 (ref: t000498) idiom give up on oneself 10
Zu6 su1 zu6 li5 自私自利 (ref: t000502) idiom self-profit oriented; always looking for one's own profits 10
Zu6 ze4 cong5 mieng3 自作聰明 (ref: t000503) idiom playing smart; to be too smart for oneself; usually used in the context of 'nobody told him to do anything; why did he have to be so smart as to ...." 10
Zuan5 si6 se4 gai6 de6 7yi1 mia3, 7o1 mia3 jiao5 jiong1 全是世界第一名,惡名昭彰 (ref: t000507) idiom notorious, by far the most notorious in the world 10
zue6 gai5 bhan6 si4 罪該萬死 (ref: t000511) idiom deserve to die ten thousand times 10
he1 ga5 zai6! 好佳在 !  (ref: he1_00) idiom fortunately; Thank Goodness! 10
jiong6 siong6 bun1 bhe5 jieng4, nam5 ghi3 dong5 zu6 giong3. 將相本無種,男兒當自強。 (ref: t000585) idiom Gene does not determine if one is to be a general or a prime minister; one must try her best to lead a successful life. 10
lo6 go2 a1 muai3 路糊子粥 (ref: t000608) idiom mud 10
kan5 di5 ge1 牽豬哥 (ref: t000599) idiom to walk the studpig, to walk the studpig like a pet, to mix up with a studmale, to mix up with a gigolo 10
jia6 ba4 8siu5 yieng3 吃飽太閒 (ref: t000597) idiom to have nothing to do, to be unproductive 10
hun5 diong3 min6 jieng3 bhu1 guan5 de1, ban5 mun3 nong6 bo4 雲長面前舞關刀,班門弄斧 (ref: t000566) idiom to show off in front of the supreme experts, in the first instance: to show of your guan-knife wielding skills in front of Guan Yunchang, who happened to be the inventor of the guan-knife and the best in martial arts in Chinese history; in the second instance: to show off your carpenter skills in front of Lu Ban, who was the Supreme Carpenter in Chinese history 10

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