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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Tuan5 7ho6 yim1 傳福音 (ref: t000426) proclaim proclaim the Gospel, spread the Gospel 10
gua5 jia4, gua5 8ce1 歌者,歌星 (ref: gua5_00) profession singers 10
Yen1 ghuan3, yen1 wan3 演員 (ref: t000449) profession performer, actor 10
Yi5 sieng1 醫生 (ref: t000457) profession doctor 10
zun5 8diu4船長 (ref: t000513) profession captain of a ship 10
Yieng4 su4 lan4 應許阮 (ref: t000459) promise promise us, honor our request 10
Lin4 ne0 你們 (ref: t000331) pronoun you (plural) 10
Wa1 e3 我的 (ref: t000428) pronoun my, mine 10
Wa4 我 (ref: t000429) pronoun I, me 10
Wan1 e3, lan1 e3 阮的 (ref: t000431) pronoun our, ours 10
Wan4, lan4 阮 (ref: t000432) pronoun we, us 10
Yi5 他, 她, 它 (ref: t000453) pronoun he, she, it 10
Yi5 祂 (ref: t000454) pronoun He, Him (meaning God) 10
Yi5 e3 他的,她的 (ref: t000455) pronoun his, her, hers 10
Yi5 e3 祂的 (ref: t000456) pronoun His (meaning God's) 10
ga6 ... sieng5 7hua1 給 。。。 懲罰 (ref: -) punish to punish somebody 10
zeng5 8gia4 jin3, 7bha6 8gia6 e6 藏鏡人,目鏡的 (ref: t000488) puppet affinitives to address a person who wears glasses. The former will be even better to refer to a person who wears contact lenses, because the word  '藏鏡人' actually says 'the person who hides the lenses.' 10
diao1, diao5 gang1, ge1 diao5 gang1, diao5 go1 yi6, go1 yi6 刁,刁工,更刁工,刁故意,故意 (ref: -) purpose to be on purpose, to do something on purpose, to do something on purpose despite of ... , to do something on purpose boldly and in defiance 10
Wu6 zu5 ge5 有資格 (ref: t000438) qualification have qualification, be qualified 10
diam6 diam5 jia6 8sa5 8wa1 gong5 8bua6 腆腆吃三碗公半 (ref: diam6_00) quiet Still water runs deep. (A quiet and shy person consumes three and a half big bowls of rice already while others are talking their heads off!) Watch out for the quiet ones. 10
You5 Tai4 Jin3, You5 Tai4 Lang3 猶太人 (ref: t000473) race Jews 10
Hun4 nu6 e5 pe5 te3 憤怒的葡萄 (ref: t000278) rage The Grape of Wrath 10
lio6 gun1 -- zong1 su5 lieng5, su4 8ce5 siong6 jiong6, diong5 jiong6, siao4 jiong6, zun1 jiong6; siong6 hao5, diong5 hao5, siao4 hao5; siong6 wui6, diong5 wui6, siao4 wui6; su6 8gua1 8diu4, su6 8gua1, su6 bieng1; lao6 o2 a4, qiong5 wan2 a4 陸軍 - 總司令,四星上將,中將,少將,准將; 上校,中校,少校,上尉,中尉,少尉;士官長,士官,士兵;老芋子,充員子 (ref: t000013) ranks In the Army -- General of the Army, general, lieutenant general, major general, brigadier general; colonal, lieutenant colonal, major; captain, first lieutenant, second lieutenant; master sergeant, sergeant, private; (affintives) 'old taros' to refer to those old soldiers, most of them were sergeants, who came from the Mainland when the government moved to Taiwan; 'the enlisted' refer to the soldiers who are enlisted nowadays in Taiwan. 10
ta1, ta6 ce5 讀,讀冊 (ref: t000039) read to read, to study 10
Jin5 8jia4 si5 真正是 (ref: t000296) real in truth, in reality 10

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