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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Se4 gan1 so1 wu5 e5 lang3 世間所有的人 (ref: t000369) people all people in the world 10
Se5 La4 rin3, Se5 La4 lang3 希臘人 (ref: t000371) people Greek(s) 10
Ya1 bhan5 jin3, ya1 bhan5 lang3 野蠻人 (ref: t000446) people barbarian 10
siao4 len3 e5 少年的 (ref: -) people young people 10
siao4 len5 ge2 a4 少年家子, 少年雞子 (ref: -) people the young, young cocks (referring to a young male or males) 10
Lam5 hai4 南海 (ref: t000325) place South Sea 10
Lo5 ma4 羅馬 (ref: t000333) place Rome 10
Lo6 mui2 a4 樂梅爾 (ref: t000336) place Lemuel 10
se4 gai6 世界 (ref: t000368) place the world 10
Yi1 ghua5 以外 (ref: t000451) place except, beside 10
bang4 hui4 e5 ge1 de1 gio4 giu4 hui4 放火的更在叫救火 (ref: bang4_00) play innocent to play innocent; for the person who set the fire on purpose to pretend to call for help to put out the fire 10
8tia5 ... zu6 ben6 聽 。。。 自便 (ref: -) please as ... please(s) 10
jio1 he1 se6, 8jia5 he1 se6, jio1 ga4 yi6 足好勢,真好勢,足愜意 (ref: t000035) pleased extremely satisfactory, extremely satisfied 10
8ti1 o5 o1, bhe1 le6 ho5; dua6 hong5 cui1, hai1 yieng4 gun3. 天烏烏,要落雨;大風吹,海浪滾。 (ref: 8ti1_00) poem The sky darkens and it is going to rain; the wind blows and the waves are rolling. 10
gu6 ha3 ji6 dong5 8gho4, 8gua5 di4 ha5 ka5 to3, ki1 niam6 8bua5 diong5 si1, 7lia5 7lia1 je5 sin5 ko4? 鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾腳土,豈念盤中飧,粒粒皆辛苦? (ref: gu6_00) poem A farmer plows under the midday sun and his sweats drop into the soil under the rice plant leaves; when we gather around the table to sup, has anyone thought about how each grain in our bowls was cultivated? 10
You1 bieng3 ghan1 hong5 lai3, sim5 8gua1 jin5 8hua5 hi4; bh5 8ji3 8gia5 cam5 8tia1, jia6 jiu4 pui4 to5 dao5 有朋遠方來,心肝真歡喜;沒錢走餐廳,喫酒配土豆 (ref: t000467) poem a friend of mine came to visit me from a faraway place, and my heart is overjoyed; for the fact that I cannot afford the money to go to the restaurant, we enjoy wine and peanut at the house. 10
子民 8gia1bhin3, zu1bhin3 (ref: -) politics People, citizen, subject. 根據禮記,古早的皇帝給子民當成自己的孩子。【gi5gu4 li1gi6, go1za4e5 hong5de6 ga6 zu1bhin3 deng4sieng3 ga5di5e5 8gia1a4】According to the Book of Rituals, emperors in the ancient times treated their subjects as their own children. 9
e5 的 (ref: -) possessive ending the adjective ending, or the possessive adjective ending which is equvalent to the apostrophy ('s) in English 10
Zan4 yong3 讚揚 (ref: t000478) praise praise, to proclaim as good and broadcast 10
You3 由 (ref: t000469) preposotion through, by way of 10
bio1 jiong1 表彰 (ref: -) proclaim to proclaim, to make known publicly and widely 10
Suan5 bo4 wui5 宣佈爲 (ref: t000416) proclaim announce to be, to be announced to be 10
Suan5 bo6 宣佈 (ref: t000417) proclaim announce, to be announced 10
Suan5 jio1 7cu5 lai6 宣招出來 (ref: t000418) proclaim call forward, to be called forward 10
Suan5 yong3 宣揚 (ref: t000419) proclaim to proclaim, to advocate 10

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