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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
gan5 sia3 奸邪 (ref: -) bad tricky, wicked 10
gan5, sia3, tam1, za6 奸,邪,貪,詐 (ref: -) bad sneaky, wicked, greedy, tricky 10
mo3, 7da5, ki1, kiao4 謀,鬥,欺,巧 (ref: t000347) bad to plot, to strive against, to cheat, to cut corner 10
o5 luan6 pue5 pieng5 lang3 胡亂批評人 (ref: t000354) bad to critize people randomly, to ctitize without good reasons 10
Yieng5 luan6 7bu1 sun3 淫亂不純 (ref: t000458) bad licentious, adulterous 10
Hun5 gi3 hu4 kuan4 分期付款 (ref: t000279) bank to pay in installments 10
hui5, wa6 hui5, si1 hui5, jio5 hui2 a4 會,活會,死會,招會子 (ref: t000564) bank a social banking practice typical of Taiwanese people, and a very popular one. The word 'hui5' means 'meeting' or 'togetherness'; however, in this case it is not the meeting or togetherness of people, but of money. When someone is in need of a rather large sum of money, he will go around and collect the money and the agreement (not necessarily in the paper form) of severel people -- one or two dozens usually. That down payments from everyone else will be at his disposal. From the second month on, they will bid. The person who bids with the highest interest rate will collect the money of the second installments from everybody else and will be responsible for paying his own remaining installments with the interest rate he has bid with. The bidding goes on from month to month until the last month when the remaining one who has never won the bidding will collect his money. He does not have to bid now because there is no more competition and will just collect all the interests that everybody else has promised along with the principals. When we say 'wa6 hui5', we are saying this person is still alive, meaning, he did not draw the money yet. On the other hand, 'si1 hui5' refers to someone who has already drown the money. The most funny application of these terms to other areas than this banking business is to refer to someone who is not married yet; we will say he is 'wa6 hui5', while people who are already married are considered 'si1 hui5', because, in a way, he is 'dead'. ( 10
hui6 tao3, hui6 bhuei4, jiao5 hui2 a4, dui4 hui2 a4 會頭,會尾,招會子,隨會子 (ref: t000565) bank the one who collects together a 'hui'; the last one to draw money from a 'hui'; to collect together a 'hui'; to join a 'hui' 10
gin5 bun4 根本 (ref: -) basic basically, despitefully 10
yi5 la1 su5 do3 伊拉斯圖 (ref: -) Bble Erastus (biblic) 10
Si5 是 (ref: t000375) be be, yes 10
co4 sieng1 畜生 (ref: -) beast brute 10
Yin5 wui6 因爲 (ref: t000461) because because 10
Ze1 si6 這是 (ref: t000482) because This is (because) 10
Sieng5 wui3 成爲 (ref: t000382) become become 10
Ki1 sieng1, ki1 sieng1 e5 si3 起先,起先的時 (ref: t000311) begin at the beginning, when it started 10
Sin4 yong4, sin4 8yiu4 信仰 (ref: t000390) belief believe, belief 10
Zan4, siong6 ge4 zan4, siong6 gai4 zan4, ge4 zan4 bhe5 bi4 讚,上界讚,界讚無比 (ref: t000479) best the best, without peer, peerless 10
bun5 leng3 se5 si1, bun5 neng3 se5 si1 檳榔西施 (ref: bun5_00) betelnut betelnut girl 10
bhi5 bhong3 迷惘 (ref: bhi5_00) bewildered bewildered, lost, confused 10
dai6 wui4 ong3 大衛王 (ref: -) Bible King David 10
pa4 mo5 de4 拍莫島 (ref: t000544) Bible Patmos Island (biblic) 10
yo1 han6 約翰 (ref: t000543) Bible John (biblic) 10
yi1 hui5 so4 以非索 (ref: t000546) Bible Ephesus (biblic) 10
su5 mi4 na3 斯密拿 (ref: t000547) Bible Smyrna (biblic) 10

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