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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
ang5 gu1 (ang5 guan5 gong1, be6 lao5 7bi5, o5 di5 hui1, zao1 hi4 7bhi5) 紅龜(紅關公,白劉備,烏張飛,跑去避) (ref: ang5_00) food red steamed bun (a very popular children's riddle makes use of the three historical figures romanitized by the classic novel '三國演義 Romance of The Three Kingdoms'; one of them had red skin, another white, and yet another dark, which are the three colors of a steamed bun: red crust, white bread, and black stuffing.) 10
ang5 gu5 gui4 紅龜糕 (ref: ang5_01) food red steamed glutinous rice cake 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha4 mi5 紅燒牛肉麵 (ref: ang5_02) food red roast beef noodle 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha5 紅燒牛肉 (ref: ang5_03) food red roast beef 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 gin5 mi5 紅燒牛筋麵 (ref: ang5_04) food red roast beef tendon noodle 10
bo6 giam5 gan2 na4 sio5 siang3 哺鹹橄子相像 (ref: bo6_00) food to chew a pickled olive in the mouth; to appreciate the taste slowly; to ponder over something slowly 10
gue1 a4* 粿子 (ref: gue1_00) food broad and fresh rice noodle 10
ca5 sio5 bao1 叉燒包 (ref: ca5_00) food steamed bun stuffed with sweet meat 10
ga6 ... deng4 ze4 ghen4 tao3 給 。。。 當做願頭 (ref: -) fool to treat someone like an idiot 10
ghi6 bang1 異邦 (ref: -) foreign foreign countries, gentiles 10
ghua6 7go5 外國 (ref: -) foreign foreign countries 10
hieng5 sieng3 形成 (ref: t000246) form to form, to take shape 10
he1 kang1, 8pai1 kang1, bhe5 he1 kang1 好孔,壞孔,沒好孔 (ref: he1_02) fortune to fare well, not to fare well; to have good luck, not to have good luck 10
bieng5 you4 朋友 (ref: bieng5_02) friends friends 10
Lai5 zi4 來自 (ref: t000324) from come from, be from 10
zui1 ge1 lui5: niao1 ba2 la4, gi5 yi6 ge4, 7lio6 lai3, gam5 a1 7bhi1, gam2 a4, pe5 te3, gin5 jio1, ong5 lai3, liu5 len3, liu1 dieng1, zio6 liu3, ghieng5 ghieng4, 7ho1 ghieng4, nai6 ji1, 8sui2 a4, lieng1 bhu5, 8yiu5 de3, 7sie1 kia1, kai5 sim5 ge4 水果類:貓芭樂,奇異果,酪梨,柑子蜜,柑子,葡萄,金蕉,王梨,榴蓮,柳丁,石榴,瞪眼,福眼,荔枝,芒子,蓮霧,楊桃,釋迦,開心果 (ref: t000261) fruits fruits: guava, kiwi, avocado, tomato, tangerine, grape, banana, pineapple, durian, orange, promegranade, staring-eye longan, dragon-eye longan, lichi, mango, wax apple, averrhoa fruit, suger apple, pestacho 10
qi1 te3, lai5 qi1 te3, qi1 te5 ghin1 a4, tai4 be4, 7die1 ge2 a4, se4 jia4 lo5 mua3, dua6 bhui1 lo5 mua3, kia6 de6 tao3 e5 蹉跎,來蹉跎,蹉跎孩子,太保,竹雞子,小隻流氓,大尾流氓;站地頭的 (ref: t000038) fun to have fun, to come to have fun, good-for-nothing young people, neighborhood gang members, small-potato gangsters, big-boss gangsters; mobs 10
Hun4 no5 憤怒 (ref: t000277) fury fury, wrath 10
Za5 bho1 lang3 查女人 (ref: t000475) gender woman, women 10
Za5 bo5 lang3 查男人 (ref: t000476) gender man, men 10
澎湖 8pe5o3 澎湖 Pescadores Islands (ref: 8be5_00) geography 澎湖風景真好!【8pe5o3 hong5gieng4 jin5he4】The Pescadores Islands' sceneries are great! 10
ga6 ... hong4 ki6 給 。。。 放棄 (ref: -) give up to give up somebody 10
Hong4 ki6, bang4 sa5 放棄 (ref: t000257) give up to give up, to abandon 10
Ki6 去 (ref: t000313) go to go 10
gong5 mieng3 jieng4 dai5, gong5 bhieng3 jieng4 dai5 光明正大 (ref: -) good of the most bright, open, and upright character 10

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