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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Zao4 ka1 厨房 (ref: t000481) kitchen kitchen 10
Zai2 8ya4, zi5 de5 知樣,知道 (ref: t000477) know to know 10
ghen5 ghu4 言語 (ref: -) language language 10
dieng5 qi5 燈市 (ref: dieng5_00) lantern market Lantern Market, Lantern Festival: Chinese celebrate the Lantern Festival on the 15th of January of the Lunar Calendar, which is the first full moon of the year. They will have lantern contest, riddle-guessing, and of course, Yuanxiao (元宵)dumplings. 10
hua1 lu1 diao5 bhun3 法律條文 (ref: t000020) law written articles of laws 10
Ho5 … zun4 gue6 給 。。。 準過 (ref: t000250) let to let pass 10
Hong1 yen3 謊言 (ref: t000256) lie lie, lies, cheating word or words 10
den6 ci2 lui5 7jie1 電馳雷擊 (ref: -) lightening to strike by lightening and thundering (as an act of God) 10
標示鼻音音節之起頭 8 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The number '8' at the beginning of a syllable signals that the sound of the syllable is to be nasalized. 鼻【8pi5】nose. 堅【8ge5】strong, stiff. Both syllables are nasalized. 9
第六聲 6 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The six tone. It is also the low level tone. 下雨【le6ho5】to rain. 下價【le6ge6】to depreciate; to have the price lowered. The first syllable in both words is in the sixth tone. Musically, it will be the lower 'do' in Key C. 9
第二聲 2 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The second tone, also the rising tone.. 女人【zo2lang3】woman, women, female. 雞子【ge2a4】chicken, hen, cock. As you can see, in both words, the first syllable starts with the second tone. Musically, it will be 'fa-so-la'. 9
第三聲 3 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The third tone, also the lowering-rising tone. 皮鞋【pue5e3】leather shoes. 好人【he1lang3】good person. In both words, the second syllable bears the third tone. Musically, it will be 'mi-do-mi'. 9
第一聲 1 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The first tone. It is also the high level tone. 孩子【ghin1a4】child,枕頭【jim1tao3】pillow. The first syllable in both words starts with the first intonation. The first intonation in Taiwanese is the same as that in Mandarin Chinese. Intonations 1 through 4 plus the 0 intonation (denoting diminished tone) are the same in both Taiwanese and Mandarin Chinese. In Taiwanese there are two more tones: 5 and 6. The fifth tone is the middle level tone, and the sixth is the lower level tone. We will see examples when their turns come up. Musically, this high level tone will be 'la' in key C. 9
第四聲 4 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The fourth tone. It is the falling tone. 腫起來【jieng4ki6lai6】to be swollen up. 趕緊【8gua1gin4】Hurry up! [used when urging someone to make haste]. The first syllable in the first example is in the fourth tone. So is the second syllable in the second example. Musically, it will be 'do-si-la-so'. 9
第五聲 5 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The fifth tone, also the mid level tone. 在哪【di6due5】where, at which place? 土豆【to5dao5】peanut. It can be represented musically as 'mi' in Key C. 9
第零聲, 輕聲 0 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The diminished tone. The pronunciation is diminished by greatly decreasing the volume of the vowel(s) involved, leaving only the consonant to represent the syllable. 爸爸【ba4ba0】father, dad. 媽媽【ma1ma0】mother, mom. In both words, the second syllable is diminished. The same goes with 哥哥【ge1ge0】elder brother, 姐姐【jie3jie0】elder sister, 弟弟【di4di0】younger brother, and 妹妹【mei4mei0】younger sister. 9
lun5 dun1 倫敦 (ref: t000340) London London 10
ga5 8kua6! 給看! (ref: -) look Look! 10
bhai4 ge1 gao3 sai4, bhai1 lang3 gao6 sai1 ghou5 壞更厚屎,醜人厚屎尿 (ref: bhai4_00) look Ugly people tend to make a lot of fuss. 10
8siu6 ki6 想氣 (ref: -) mad to be angry, to get mad 10
Ze6, ze4 ze5 造,製造 (ref: t000487) manufacture make, produce, manufacture 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 bha5 e6, bha4 diam1 a4 菜市子買肉的,肉店子 (ref: cai4_00) market butcher, a butcher's stall in the market place 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 cai6 e6, cai4 8da1 a4 菜市子買菜的,菜攤子 (ref: cai4_01) market vegetable vendor, a vegetable vendor's stall in the market place 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 da5 hui6 e6, 7za6 hui4 diam1 a4 菜市子賣乾貨的,雜貨店子 (ref: cai4_02) market a dry goods vendor, a grocery store 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 hi3 e5, hi5 8da1 a4 菜市子買魚的,魚攤子 (ref: cai4_03) market fish vendor, a fish vendor's stall in the market place 10

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