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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
a4 liao2 a4 bhe5 ge4 8me3 do6 gun4. 鴨寮子沒隔夜蚯蚓。 (ref: a4_00) duck There is nothing left -- how can any earthworm survive the duck farm overnignt? 10
a1 a4 8tia5 lui3 鴨子聽雷 (ref: a1_00) duck not to understand (as a duck listens to the thunder but does not understand.) 10
bhan6 su5 sun6 li5, bhan6 su5 ru5 yi6. 萬事順利,萬事如意。 (ref: bhan6_00) everything ok Everything goes smoothly; everything goes as we are pleased. (Used as greetings during the Chinese New Year) 10
gim5 gong1 qiang6 qiang6 gun4, en5 qien3 ca1 bhi1 hun4 金光閃閃滾,香腸炒米粉 (ref: gim5_00) exageration With a lot of flares and lightenings, one is stir-frying rice noodle with silced sausages. A lot of thunders followed by a little rain. With a lot of exagerations ... 10
Ke1 bi1 gong4 可比講 (ref: t000308) example for example 10
an1 nia2 wei2! 俺娘喂! (ref: an1_01) exclamation a classical Taiwanese exclamatory favored by the female 10
hei4! 嘿! (ref: t000244) exclamation an exclamation used in calling attention or sighing 10
8mu6 7bha1 ... gui6 不曾 。。。 過 (ref: -) experience to have never experienced ... 10
gieng5 ghiam5 經驗 (ref: -) experience experience, to experience 10
Jieng5 gieng1 曾經 (ref: t000292) experience to have the experience of 10
bieng5 bo6 qieng5 hun3 平步青雲 (ref: bieng5_01) fair smoothly to step on blue clouds peacefully, to fair and advance in career smoothly 10
ben5 gui1 go4 su5 編鬼故事 (ref: -) fairy tales to weave fairy tales, to talk nonsense, to lie 10
兒子 8gia1a4 (ref: -) family Son. 他是一個友孝的兒子。【yi5 si6 ji6le5 you1hao6de5 8gia1a4】He shows filial piety to his parents. 女兒【zo2 8gia4】daughter;爸母【be6 bhu4】parents. 9
兄弟 8hia5 di5 (ref: -) family brothers 姐妹【ji1 8muai5】sisters 9
ba1 ba0 爸爸 (ref: -) family father 10
Ji1 mui6 8hia5 di5 姐妹兄弟 (ref: t000282) family brothers and sisters 10
Jiong4 (ji1 mui6 8hia5 di5) 眾(姐妹兄弟) (ref: t000298) family Sisters and brothers 10
ga5 dieng3 家庭 (ref: -) family family 10
kan5 qiu4, lao6 kan5 qiu4 牽手,老牽手 (ref: t000520) family wife, old wife, spouse, old spouse (literally means 'holding hand'.) 10
dua6 8sia5 bang4 pui6 大聲放屁 (ref: -) fart to fart loudly, to talk emptily and loudly 10
gam1 ga1, gam1 ka1 感覺 (ref: -) feel to feel 10
bu1 hao6 be6 bhe4 不肖父母, 不孝父母 (ref: -) filial not to show filial piety to own parents 10
Siu1 sian1, siu1 sen1 首先 (ref: t000404) first first of all, first 10
Liong5 san5 bo5 ya1 zo4 yieng5 dai3 梁山伯與祝英臺 (ref: t000260) folklore Chinese Romeo and Juliet 10
qieng5 ten5 dua6 lao1 ya3, bao5 qieng5 ten1 青天大老爺,包青天 (ref: -) folklore the just, the Justice, the Judge, Bao Qingtian (honored as the best judge in Chinese history) 10

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