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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
yin1 zui4 su5 wan3 飲水思源 (ref: -) idiom When you drink water, think about where it comes from. Give thanks to whatever made what you have today. Remember your root. Remember your ancestors. 10
jia6 ba4 bhue5? 吃飽沒? (ref: t000598) idiom typical traditonal Taiwanese way of casual greeting, literally saying "Are you full?" or "Did you eat and are full?" [The funniest is when a person just comes out of the outhouse and is asked "are you full?"] 10
he1 su5 de5 bhua3 好事多磨 (ref: t000523) idiom When good things are coming, there are a lot of sufferrings. 10
ri6 tao3 le6 8sua1, ri6 tao3 le6 8sua1 e5 si3 日頭下山,日頭下山的時 (ref: ri6_01) idiom The sun goes down; when the sun goes down ... 10
ri6 tao3 pa6 gao4 ka5 ceng5 tao3 日頭曬到腳穿頭 (ref: ri6_00) idiom The sun shines on the ass. (An expression to make fun of sleeping in, literally meaning: to sleep until the sun shines on the ass.) 10
yi5 yong5 wue6 ho5 lo3 依樣畫葫蘆 (ref: -) idiom to copy 10
ho1 tao3 nao1 qi1 bhuei4 虎頭貓鼠尾 (ref: ho1_00) idiom Starts big;ends small. (Tiger head; mouse tail.) 10
he1 jiu4 dim5 ong4 de4 好酒沈甕底 (ref: he1_01) idiom The best wine sinks to the bottom of the brewer urn. The best acts await the end of the show. 10
ten1 hieng3 gen6, gun5 zu4 yi1 zu6 giong3 bu1 si1 天行健,君子以自強不息。 (ref: ten1_00) idiom The heavenly bodies keep going strong, so shall we persevere in striving for the better (of all mankinds.) 10
jia6 he1 kang1 dao4 sio5 be6 吃好孔兜相報 (ref: t000582) idiom to share the information with people when one finds good luck. Again, the origin of this expression might have sexual implications. But like I said, the expression has been so common and FUBAR (f**ked up beyond all repair) that I do not care about that part any longer. 10
dai5 tao3 dai5 nao4, nao1 gin1 sio4 do4 sio4 do6 呆頭呆腦,腦筋秀凸秀凸 (ref: -) idiom stupid, to have a short in the brain 10
走街頭不輸走竈腳 8gia5ge5tao3 bhe6su5 8gia5zao4ka1 (ref: 8gia5_00) idioms / flavor To be street-wise. (Literally: to be familiar with whatever happen in the streets as much as whatever happen in one's own kitchen.) ***However, this idiom has a flavor of "gangsterism" in it; it is saying that those "gangsters" walk the streets so much that they become the bosses of the streets. 站地頭【kia6 de6 tao3】for a gangster to claim his territory. 9
na6 an1 ne1 ... de6 e6 sai4 若這樣。。。就可使 (ref: t000143) if if ... it will be ok 10
na6 si6 an1 ne1 若是這樣 (ref: t000349) if if .... 10
ma1 siong5 馬上 (ref: t000342) immediately immediately 10
dua6 gong1 bhu5 su1, dua6 gong1 wu5 su1 大公無私 (ref: dua6_01) impartial completely impartial -- a famous motto of Dr. Sun Zhongshan, the Father of the Republic of China, citing the classical Book of Rituals. The original sentence is: 大道之行也天下為公 "When the heavenly way is in force, the world is open and impartial to all." 10
Ho5 lan1 bai4 to5 ji6 le6, ma6 de6 ho5 lan1 na0 bai4 to5 ji6 le6 給阮拜託一下,莫道給阮拜託一下 (ref: t000563) implore Come on! Let us implore you. Can't you let us implore you! 10
bho2 lin4 gu6, bhe2 lin4 gu6, 7ka5 7do1 lu5, pa4 ti4, tang2 7ga1 lu5, so4 da6, gha5 so1 lin4, a5 lu1 mi5, ga5 lun3, mo5 te1 lu5, mo5 de1 lu5, ka6 la1 OK 模林谷(鏜孔),麥林谷(軸承),卡多錄(目錄),打鐵(派對),唐佳路(二氧化鈦),蘇打(碳酸鈣),加所林(汽油),阿路米(鋁),加侖(加侖),模帖路(汽車旅館),模得路(模特兒),卡拉OK(卡拉OK) (ref: bho2_00) imported words (metal work) boring, bearings, catalogue, party, TiO2, soda, gasoline, aluminum, gallon, motel, model, karaoke; all of these are imported words 10
8siu6 bhe1 想要 (ref: -) intent to want to, to intend to 10
jio1 cu4 bhi5, 8jia5 cu4 bhi5 足趣味,極趣味,真趣味 (ref: t000033) interesting very interesting 10
gi5 du1 ya5 so1 基督耶穌 (ref: gi5_00) Jesus Jesus Christ 10
hua1 8gua1 法官 (ref: t000021) judge judge 10
gong5 ghi5, gong5 yi6 公義 (ref: -) justice justice, righteousness 10
gong5 li4 公理 (ref: -) justice justice, righteousness; an established law or principle in science or math 10
ji1 kuan4 這款 (ref: t000024) kind this kind of 10

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