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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
ji6 din5, ji6 zun5 一陣 (ref: t000029) a a moment of, a bout of (rain) 10
Jiu6 bhe1, de6 bhe1 就要 (ref: t000306) about to be about to 10
zua6 dui4 絕對 (ref: t000044) absolute absolute, absolutely 10
jia1 siu5 接受 (ref: t000032) accept to accept, to receive 10
an4 jio6 按照 (ref: -) according to according to 10
gin5 gu6 根據 (ref: -) according to according to, to base on 10
Jiam4 … ban6 yi3 占 。。。 便宜 (ref: t000288) advantage to take advantage of ... 10
You5 ge1 又更 (ref: t000471) again again 10
Kuan4 zo4 勸阻 (ref: t000316) against to advise against 10
Hui6 (1) 歲 (ref: t000275) age years of age 10
Hui6 (2) 歲 (ref: t000276) age When he was seventeen ... 10
long1 wu5 都有 (ref: t000338) all all have ... ; common to all 10
Wun5 na5 也子,亦然,也然 (ref: t000443) also also, too 10
吃飯了沒?吃飽沒? jia6beng5a5 bhue5? jia6ba4 bhue5? 吃飯了沒?吃飽沒?Did you eat? Are you full? (ref: t000579) alternative culture The first two sentences that some vulgar lyricist put to the beginning of the Wedding March. The products of vulgar lyricists are fun. They are usually short, covering only the first few verses of the entire song. Some other examples include "黑貓在那坐,沒穿褲。" 【o5niao1 di6hia1ze5,bhe5 qieng5ko6】Look at that crazy chic! Sitting there without wearing a pair of pants. Another: "奇怪?奇怪?沒翁奈會大腹肚?" 【gi5guai6? gi5guai6? bhe5ang1 na4e6 dua6bha1do4】 Strange? Strange? How come she is pregnant and not married? And Hank William's Jambalaya was changed into: "粘子膠,黏到腳,哎唷!哎唷!" 【dam1ma1ga1 liam5dio6ka1, ai5yo6! ai5yo6!】The pavement pitch sticks to my feet. Alas! Alas! 10
di6 di6, di6 di1 直直 (ref: -) always always, all the way, straight 10
gi5 diong1  其中 (ref: -) among among 10
ham6 和 (ref: t000240) and and, with, plus, tgether with 10
Jiao4 鳥 (ref: t000289) animal bird, birds 10
Lieng5 8you3 羚羊 (ref: t000330) animal antelope 10
Si4 ka5 zua3 四脚蛇 (ref: t000374) animal lizard, crawling snake-like animals with four feet 10
zua3 蛇 (ref: t000504) animal snake 10
bha1 do1 lai5 e5 min6 tang3 腹肚裏的蛔蟲 (ref: -) animal the round worms in the stomach, the one who know the person best 10
Qieng1 giu3 請求 (ref: t000361) ask ask, appeal, beg 10
Di6 (ref: -) at at, in 10
kiao6 俏 cute in a charming way (usually sexy). (ref: -) 這個女孩子樣子足俏。【ji1le5 zo2ghin1a4 yang4zi6 zo1kiao6】This young lady looks very cute and sexy. 俏及要死!【kiao4ga1bhe1si4】Cute and sexy to the point of dying; extremely cute and sexy! 俏及要死子!【kiao4ga1bhe1si4】The addition of "子【a4】" makes the expression COLLOQUIAL TO THE UTTERMOST. 1) 足巧【zio1qiao3】refers to timing that is either perfect or exactly the opposite. It also refers to the skillfulness of a person's craft; for example, a female's artistic hands in sewing. 2) 翹【kiao6】refers to the physical shape which is streamlined and sexy. It can be used to refer the general shape of the body or a particular body part. When it refers to one's nose, it is saying that the nose is pointed in a cute way. ***) COMPARISON CONCLUSIONS: 俏 refers to a person's quality and character and 翹 refers to the physical appearances. 巧 is telling about a person's skillfulness in a certain craft. 9

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