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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Lo6 8bi5 8da1 a4 路邊攤子 (ref: t000335) market roadside vendor, roadside stand, roadside stall, roadside store 10
mi6 8da1 a4 麵攤子 (ref: t000344) market Noodle stall 10
cai4 qi2 a4 bhe6 zui1 ge4 e6, zui1 ge1 8da1 a4 菜市子賣水果的,水果攤子 (ref: cai4_04) market fruit vendor, a fruit vendor's stall in the market place 10
Zu1 jin3, zu1 lang3 主人 (ref: t000494) master host, master, landlord, head of the house, mistress of the house 10
bu1 guan1 si6 8sa1 mi1 lang3. 不管是什麼人。 (ref: -) matter It does not matter who it is. 10
Su6 bhu1 事物 (ref: t000412) matter matters, objects 10
do6 liong5, sin5 siong1, sim5 8gua1 度量,心胸,心肝 (ref: -) measure measure, a measure of someone's heart, chest, and liver; open-minded-ness, tolerance 10
du4 dio6 遇到 (ref: -) meet to meet, to have met 10
luan6 ge1 ji6 tong1 亂搞一通 (ref: luan6_00) mess To mess up; to f**k up; too mess up big-time. What a mess! That was a big-time f**k-up mess, man! 10
diam4 liam5 惦念 (ref: -) miss to miss someone 10
Ho5 do3 糊塗 (ref: ho5_00) mixed up to be messed-up in mind, not smart. See also “nao1 gin1 sio4 do4 sio4 do6 腦筋秀凸秀凸”。 10
du1 a4 遇子 (ref: -) moments ago moments ago 10
ji6 le5 hui5 8siu5 8da5 zui1 jia4, neng6 e5 hui5 8siu5 geng5 zui1 jia4, 8sa5 e5 hui5 8siu5 bhe5 zui1 jia4. 一個和尚擔水吃,兩個和尚扛水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。 (ref: t000028) monk One monk carries two pails of water by balancing them with a pole on his shoulder; two monks carry one single pail of water as if carrying a sedan chair; three monks would rather die from thirst than agreeing upon a way to carry the water. 10
gho5 ghue6 五月 (ref: -) month the month of May 10
de6 le5 墮落 (ref: -) moral to fall morally, to be lost morally 10
bai4 to5, ya6 8mu6 bhang5 an1 ne1 8siu5. 拜託, 也不要這麼想! (ref: bai4_00) my goodness! For goodness sake, quit that thinking! 10
mia3, mia5 qieng1 名,名稱 (ref: t000345) name name, title 10
giong5 jieng5 bu1 ru3 siong3 mieng6 恭敬不如從命 (ref: giong5_00) native "Instead of being polite to refuse your generous offer, I might as well obediently obey you by accepting your generous offer." 10
bu1 zu6 ren3 不自然  (ref: -) nature not natural, artificial, artificially, not free of pretense; not feeling easy 10
Zu6 ren3 e5 7hua1 7jie5 自然的法則 (ref: t000499) nature law of nature, law to be followed naturally 10
Zu6 ren3, zu6 jen3 自然 (ref: t000500) nature nature 10
hang5 siong6 航向 (ref: t000241) navigation direction of navigation, heading 10
Ki1 hang3 起航 (ref: t000310) navigation to start a journey, (a ship) to depart 10
Lo6 8sua6 路綫 (ref: t000334) navigation route 10
ai6, de6 ai6, su5 yao6, 7bi1 yao6, wu6 7bi1 yao6, wu6 su5 yao6 要,就要, 須要,必要,有必要,有需要 (ref: -) need to need to, to have to, must 10

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