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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
yi4 sai6 義賽 (ref: t000587) Bible Isaac (biblic) 10
Yi5 他, 她, 它 (ref: t000453) pronoun he, she, it 10
Yi5 祂 (ref: t000454) pronoun He, Him (meaning God) 10
Yi5 e3 他的,她的 (ref: t000455) pronoun his, her, hers 10
Yi5 e3 祂的 (ref: t000456) pronoun His (meaning God's) 10
yi5 la1 su5 do3 伊拉斯圖 (ref: -) Bble Erastus (biblic) 10
yi5 sa4 伊薩 (ref: t000575) Bible Issachar (biblic) 10
Yi5 sieng1 醫生 (ref: t000457) profession doctor 10
yi5 yong5 wue6 ho5 lo3 依樣畫葫蘆 (ref: -) idiom to copy 10
Yieng4 su4 lan4 應許阮 (ref: t000459) promise promise us, honor our request 10
Yieng5 luan6 7bu1 sun3 淫亂不純 (ref: t000458) bad licentious, adulterous 10
yin1 zui4 su5 wan3 飲水思源 (ref: -) idiom When you drink water, think about where it comes from. Give thanks to whatever made what you have today. Remember your root. Remember your ancestors. 10
yin5 en0 e5 liong5 sim1 de6 si6 hua1 lu1 e5 8gia6 他們的良心就是法律的鏡 (ref: t000460) idiom (Because of the code of conduct that is enchiseled in their hearts) their hearts are a mirror of the laws; their hearts are the embodiment of the laws; their hearts are the laws themselves. 10
Yin5 wui6 因爲 (ref: t000461) because because 10
yo1 han6 約翰 (ref: t000543) Bible John (biblic) 10
yo1 ke5 約克 (ref: t000588) Bible Jacob (biblic) 10
yo5 na3 約拿 (ref: t000658) Bible Jonah (biblic) 10
Yo5 sie1 約瑟 (ref: t000577) Bible Joseph (biblic) 10
yo5, gu6 yo5, sin5 yo5 約,舊約, 新約 (ref: t000527) religion covenant, the Old Testament, the New Testament 10
yong1 bu1 ji1 sie1 永不止息 (ref: t000462) idiom to go on forever 10
Yong1 sieng1 永生 (ref: t000463) religion eternal life 10
Yong1 sui3 7bu1 siu3 永垂不朽 (ref: t000464) idiom forever lasting, never rusted 10
Yong6 bha1 do4 8siu5 ma6 zai2 8ya4 用腹肚想也知樣 (ref: t000465) idiom too plain, so plain that you can see and understand without thinking or with your stomach 10
Yong6 yi5 e5 mia5 ghi5 用祂的名義 (ref: t000466) religion in His name 10
You1 bieng3 ghan1 hong5 lai3, sim5 8gua1 jin5 8hua5 hi4; bh5 8ji3 8gia5 cam5 8tia1, jia6 jiu4 pui4 to5 dao5 有朋遠方來,心肝真歡喜;沒錢走餐廳,喫酒配土豆 (ref: t000467) poem a friend of mine came to visit me from a faraway place, and my heart is overjoyed; for the fact that I cannot afford the money to go to the restaurant, we enjoy wine and peanut at the house. 10

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