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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
so1 bue5 die1 索陪德 (ref: -) Bible Sopater(biblically) 10
so1 dun6 索頓 (ref: t000651) Bible Sodom (biblic) 10
So1 yi4 gong4 所以講 (ref: t000406) therefore therefore I say ..., therefore we say ...; in other words ... 10
So1 yi4 所以 (ref: t000405) therefore therefore, so 10
So1 ze6 so1 wui3 所作所爲 (ref: t000407) idiom whatever one does 10
song1 8wuai5 8wuai1 爽歪歪 (ref: song1_00) cool Damn good! Damn cool! Damn fancy! 10
Su1 do3 e5 zu5 ge5 使徒的資格 (ref: t000408) religion qualifications of being an apostle 10
Su1 do3, do5 de5 使徒,徒弟 (ref: t000410) religion apostle, apprentice, disciple 10
su1 kun1 de5 史肯道 (ref: -) Bible Secundus (biblic) 10
Su4 hong6 sin3 侍奉神 (ref: t000411) religion serve God 10
su5 mi4 na3 斯密拿 (ref: t000547) Bible Smyrna (biblic) 10
Su6 bhu1 事物 (ref: t000412) matter matters, objects 10
Su6 bhu5 事務 (ref: -) business business 10
Su6 gi1 事跡 (ref: t000413) deeds deeds, events, doings 10
Su6 hong5 侍奉 (ref: t000409) serve serve, wait upon 10
Sua6 lue6 ki6 續落去, 續下去 (ref: t000414) typical afterward, and then, next 10
Suan4 lai6 選來 (ref: t000415) select select (to serve some purpose), to be selected (to serve some purpose) 10
Suan5 bo4 wui5 宣佈爲 (ref: t000416) proclaim announce to be, to be announced to be 10
Suan5 bo6 宣佈 (ref: t000417) proclaim announce, to be announced 10
Suan5 jio1 7cu5 lai6 宣招出來 (ref: t000418) proclaim call forward, to be called forward 10
Suan5 yong3 宣揚 (ref: t000419) proclaim to proclaim, to advocate 10
sui1 dang5 dang1 水噹噹 (ref: t000420) typical pretty 10
Sui5 jen3, sui5 ren3 雖然 (ref: t000421) though though, although, despite the fact that , in spite of 10
Sun5 giu5 bhan6 bang1 尋求萬邦 (ref: t000422) idiom search over all nations 10
T (ref: t000423) 10

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