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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
hang5 siong6 航向 (ref: t000241) navigation direction of navigation, heading 10
he1 ga5 zai6! 好佳在 !  (ref: he1_00) idiom fortunately; Thank Goodness! 10
he1 jiu4 dim5 ong4 de4 好酒沈甕底 (ref: he1_01) idiom The best wine sinks to the bottom of the brewer urn. The best acts await the end of the show. 10
he1 kang1, 8pai1 kang1, bhe5 he1 kang1 好孔,壞孔,沒好孔 (ref: he1_02) fortune to fare well, not to fare well; to have good luck, not to have good luck 10
he1 se4 dang5 dang1! 好勢噹噹 (ref: t000524) idiom Everything goes smackingly well! It fits perfectly! 10
he1 siao5 si5! dua6 he1 siao5 si5! 好消息!大好消息! (ref: t000526) news Good news! Super good news! 10
he1 sim1 ho6 lui3 jim1; ai4 go5 ho6 lui3 ko5 好心給雷親;愛國給雷叩 (ref: he1_03) thunder Good intentions are greeted by the thunder’s kisses; acts of patriotism are rewarded by the thunder’s knockout. People use these pair of expressions to vent their disappointment (jokingly sometimes) when their good intentions are going sour. No matter what, they thyme prettily. 10
he1 su5 de5 bhua3 好事多磨 (ref: t000523) idiom When good things are coming, there are a lot of sufferrings. 10
he4 jie1 ki4 賀則啓 (ref: t000620) Bible Hezekiah (biblic) 10
he4 lo1 dieng1 賀洛丁 (ref: t000676) Bible Herodian (biblic) 10
he4 zu1 long3 賀子龍 (ref: t000593) Bible Hezron (biblic) 10
he6 ze4, giao4 ze4 號作,叫作 (ref: t000243) call to be called, to be named 10
hei4! 嘿! (ref: t000244) exclamation an exclamation used in calling attention or sighing 10
hen1 si5 顯示 (ref: t000245) show to show 10
hi1 gua1 a4 那些子 (ref: t000009) those those 10
hieng5 sieng3 形成 (ref: t000246) form to form, to take shape 10
hieng5 wui3 zun1 jie5 行為準則 (ref: t000247) code code of conducts 10
ho1 bhu3 zu1 gieng5 福無止境 (ref: t000019) blessing the bliss is boundless, endless blessings 10
ho1 tao3 nao1 qi1 bhuei4 虎頭貓鼠尾 (ref: ho1_00) idiom Starts big;ends small. (Tiger head; mouse tail.) 10
ho5 ... 被 。。。 (ref: t000249) passive (This word forms the passive expressions) to be ... by ... 10
Ho5 … zun4 gue6 給 。。。 準過 (ref: t000250) let to let pass 10
Ho5 do3 糊塗 (ref: ho5_00) mixed up to be messed-up in mind, not smart. See also “nao1 gin1 sio4 do4 sio4 do6 腦筋秀凸秀凸”。 10
Ho5 lan1 bai4 to5 ji6 le6, ma6 de6 ho5 lan1 na0 bai4 to5 ji6 le6 給阮拜託一下,莫道給阮拜託一下 (ref: t000563) implore Come on! Let us implore you. Can't you let us implore you! 10
Ho6 … ji6 le5 bu4 zu1 dao4, bu4 dong5 ji6 hui5 su5 給 。。。 一個不知道,不當一回事 (ref: t000253) can't care less not to take it serious (The first expression "ho6 ... ji6 le5 bu4 zu1 dao4" actually imitates the way typical Taiwanese pronounce standard Mandarin with heavy Taiwanese accent; therefore, there are two twists: 1) it was originally a Mandarin expression expressing ignorance; 2) it is pronounced in such a way that it contains a tinge of sarcasm that makes the ignorance even more saur.) 10
Ho6 gun3 gao1 dong4 狐群狗黨 (ref: t000254) idiom a pack of wolves (of people) 10

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