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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
bhe5 liong5 sim1 沒良心,無良心 (ref: -) typical without conscience, having no conscience 10
bhe5 lua6 gu4 沒略久,無略久 (ref: -) typical not long afterward 10
bhe5 lua6 yeng5, bhe5 8sa1 lua6 yeng5 無略用,無甚略用 (ref: -) typical useless, not very useful 10
bhe5 rin5 sieng6 沒人性,無人性 (ref: -) typical inhuman 10
bhe5 zam6 bhe5 7za5, bhe5 dua6 bhe5 se6 無斬無節,無大無小,沒大沒小 (ref: -) typical ill-mannered, base in conduct, disrespectful 10
bhe6 gen4 siao6 不慚羞 (ref: -) typical shameless, having no shame 10
bhe6 gi6 ji6 li6 未記憶裏 (ref: bhe6_00) typical to forget, not to remember, not to have written in the book of mind 10
bhi1 ti5 lin3 米提林 (ref: -) Bible Mitylene (biblical) 10
bhi5 bhong3 迷惘 (ref: bhi5_00) bewildered bewildered, lost, confused 10
bhieng5 kie5 yu5 sim1 銘刻於心 (ref: bhieng5_00) idiom to engrave in the heart 10
bho2 lin4 gu6, bhe2 lin4 gu6, 7ka5 7do1 lu5, pa4 ti4, tang2 7ga1 lu5, so4 da6, gha5 so1 lin4, a5 lu1 mi5, ga5 lun3, mo5 te1 lu5, mo5 de1 lu5, ka6 la1 OK 模林谷(鏜孔),麥林谷(軸承),卡多錄(目錄),打鐵(派對),唐佳路(二氧化鈦),蘇打(碳酸鈣),加所林(汽油),阿路米(鋁),加侖(加侖),模帖路(汽車旅館),模得路(模特兒),卡拉OK(卡拉OK) (ref: bho2_00) imported words (metal work) boring, bearings, catalogue, party, TiO2, soda, gasoline, aluminum, gallon, motel, model, karaoke; all of these are imported words 10
bhua5 tao3 魔頭 (ref: -) Bible Beelzebul (biblical) 10
bi1 cu4 go1 le5, pi1 cu4 go1 le5 彼此鼓勵 (ref: bi1_00) idiom to encourage one another 10
bi4 lo5 a1 碧羅阿 (ref: -) Bible Beroea (biblic) 10
bieng5 an1 平安 (ref: bieng5_00) peace peace 10
bieng5 bo6 qieng5 hun3 平步青雲 (ref: bieng5_01) fair smoothly to step on blue clouds peacefully, to fair and advance in career smoothly 10
bieng5 you4 朋友 (ref: bieng5_02) friends friends 10
bio1 jiong1 表彰 (ref: -) proclaim to proclaim, to make known publicly and widely 10
bo1 ya3 伯牙 (ref: -) Bible Boaz (biblical) 10
bo6 giam5 gan2 na4 sio5 siang3 哺鹹橄子相像 (ref: bo6_00) food to chew a pickled olive in the mouth; to appreciate the taste slowly; to ponder over something slowly 10
bu1 dan6 ... o1 qie4 ... 不但 。。。 而且。。。 (ref: -) not only not only ... but also ... 10
bu1 guan1 si6 8sa1 mi1 lang3. 不管是什麼人。 (ref: -) matter It does not matter who it is. 10
bu1 hao6 be6 bhe4 不肖父母, 不孝父母 (ref: -) filial not to show filial piety to own parents 10
bu1 lun3 bu1 lui5 不倫不類 (ref: -) resemble not resembling anything (as a result of not adhering to any principle) 10
bu1 zu6 ren3 不自然  (ref: -) nature not natural, artificial, artificially, not free of pretense; not feeling easy 10

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