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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
a5 ze4 阿左 (ref: -) Bible Azor (biblical) 10
a6 si6 an1 ne1 gong4. ya6 si6 an1 ne1 gong4. 或是這麼講。 (ref: -) or Or, let us put it in another way. 10
ai6, de6 ai6, su5 yao6, 7bi1 yao6, wu6 7bi1 yao6, wu6 su5 yao6 要,就要, 須要,必要,有必要,有需要 (ref: -) need to need to, to have to, must 10
am4 ming3 bhong5 8sua5 niao1. am4 ming5 bhong1, o5 am4 ming3 暗矇摸山貓。暗矇摸,烏暗矇 (ref: am4_00) dark as dark as you are groping for a black mountain cat in the darkness 10
an1 8zua1 8you5? wui6 si1 mi4? 怎麼樣? 為什麼? (ref: an1_00) why Why? 10
an1 nia2 wei2! 俺娘喂! (ref: an1_01) exclamation a classical Taiwanese exclamatory favored by the female 10
an4 jio6 按照 (ref: -) according to according to 10
an5 die1 lu4 安德魯 (ref: -) Bible Andrew (biblical) 10
an5 te3 pai6 安提派 (ref: -) Bible Antipas (biblical) 10
ang5 gu1 (ang5 guan5 gong1, be6 lao5 7bi5, o5 di5 hui1, zao1 hi4 7bhi5) 紅龜(紅關公,白劉備,烏張飛,跑去避) (ref: ang5_00) food red steamed bun (a very popular children's riddle makes use of the three historical figures romanitized by the classic novel '三國演義 Romance of The Three Kingdoms'; one of them had red skin, another white, and yet another dark, which are the three colors of a steamed bun: red crust, white bread, and black stuffing.) 10
ang5 gu5 gui4 紅龜糕 (ref: ang5_01) food red steamed glutinous rice cake 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha4 mi5 紅燒牛肉麵 (ref: ang5_02) food red roast beef noodle 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha5 紅燒牛肉 (ref: ang5_03) food red roast beef 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 gin5 mi5 紅燒牛筋麵 (ref: ang5_04) food red roast beef tendon noodle 10
ao6 bia5 gong1 lang5 8pai1 wei5. 後壁講人壞話。 (ref: ao6_00) gossip to gossip 10
B (ref: t000080) 10
ba1 ba0 爸爸 (ref: -) family father 10
ba5 bi1 lun3 巴比倫 (ref: -) Bible Babylon (biblical) 10
ba5 la1 ba5 巴拉巴 (ref: -) Bible Barabbas (biblical) 10
ba5 la1 ke5 巴拉克 (ref: -) Bible Balak (biblical) 10
ba5 la1 qi3 巴拉齊 (ref: -) Bible Barachia (biblical) 10
ba5 lan3 巴蘭 (ref: -) Bible Balaam (biblical) 10
ba5 sa1 lo1 mu4 巴薩羅幕 (ref: -) Bible Bartholomew (biblical) 10
bai4 hong4 拜訪 (ref: -) visit to visit 10
bai4 to5, ya6 8mu6 bhang5 an1 ne1 8siu5. 拜託, 也不要這麼想! (ref: bai4_00) my goodness! For goodness sake, quit that thinking! 10

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