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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
jia6 8mu6 dio6 yo2 a4! 吃不對藥子! (ref: t000581) no kidding No kidding! You must be kidding! What! (Originally: you must have taken the wrong medicine!) 10
jia6 ba4 8siu5 yieng3 吃飽太閒 (ref: t000597) idiom to have nothing to do, to be unproductive 10
jia6 ba4 bhue5? 吃飽沒? (ref: t000598) idiom typical traditonal Taiwanese way of casual greeting, literally saying "Are you full?" or "Did you eat and are full?" [The funniest is when a person just comes out of the outhouse and is asked "are you full?"] 10
Jia6 beng6 ba4 吃飯飽 (ref: t000286) idiom after eating; having nothing to do 10
Jia6 bhe6 wan3 za4 de1 8gia3 吃不完,塞著走 (ref: t000287) idiom to have too much to chew; (some mistakes will get you into deep trouble, so that you not only have to handle them for the time being, but have to put them into your pockets to carry with you.) 10
jia6 he1 kang1 dao4 sio5 be6 吃好孔兜相報 (ref: t000582) idiom to share the information with people when one finds good luck. Again, the origin of this expression might have sexual implications. But like I said, the expression has been so common and FUBAR (f**ked up beyond all repair) that I do not care about that part any longer. 10
jia6 kun4 tao5 ge1 吃睏頭家 (ref: jia6_00) tradition with room and board to be taken care of by the boss -- as a condition of employment or apprenticeship in the old Taiwanese tradition 10
jia6 tao5 ge1, kun4 tao5 ge5 niu3 吃頭家,睏頭家娘 (ref: jia6_01) tradition with room to be furnished by the wife of the boss and the meals to be furnished by the boss -- an extemely popular for-the-fun-of-saying-it joke, not to take seriously but as something fun to say: when someone was hired in the old Taiwanese boss-apprentice tradition, there was an agreement as to how the apprentice's room and board (his meals and a place for him to stay) would be furnished, and when they were to be taken care of by the boss, the apprentice might jokingly tell his friends that he would eat with the boss and sleep with the wife of the boss (not to offend anyone, but just for the fun of saying it), which everybody knew was not to be taken seriously. 10
吃飯了沒?吃飽沒? jia6beng5a5 bhue5? jia6ba4 bhue5? 吃飯了沒?吃飽沒?Did you eat? Are you full? (ref: t000579) alternative culture The first two sentences that some vulgar lyricist put to the beginning of the Wedding March. The products of vulgar lyricists are fun. They are usually short, covering only the first few verses of the entire song. Some other examples include "黑貓在那坐,沒穿褲。" 【o5niao1 di6hia1ze5,bhe5 qieng5ko6】Look at that crazy chic! Sitting there without wearing a pair of pants. Another: "奇怪?奇怪?沒翁奈會大腹肚?" 【gi5guai6? gi5guai6? bhe5ang1 na4e6 dua6bha1do4】 Strange? Strange? How come she is pregnant and not married? And Hank William's Jambalaya was changed into: "粘子膠,黏到腳,哎唷!哎唷!" 【dam1ma1ga1 liam5dio6ka1, ai5yo6! ai5yo6!】The pavement pitch sticks to my feet. Alas! Alas! 10
Jiam4 … ban6 yi3 占 。。。 便宜 (ref: t000288) advantage to take advantage of ... 10
jiam5 mu1 su5 詹姆士 (ref: t000644) Bible James (biblic) 10
Jiao4 鳥 (ref: t000289) animal bird, birds 10
jie1 bo5 澤佈 (ref: t000576) Bible Zebulun (biblic) 10
Jieng4 7di5 e5 正直的 (ref: t000290) religion righteous, the righteous 10
Jieng4 gue1 7die6 gue1, jieng4 dao5 7die6 dao5 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 (ref: t000291) idiom Whatever you sow, you harvest; if you sow melon, you harvest melon, and if you sow legume, you harvest legume. 10
Jieng5 gieng1 曾經 (ref: t000292) experience to have the experience of 10
Jieng5 hong1 jia6 co6 爭風喫醋 (ref: t000293) idiom to be jealous of one another 10
Jieng5 li4 真理 (ref: t000294) religion truth, the truth 10
jieng5 sin3 jio1 zai5, jieng1 sin3 jio1 wen4 精神足支, 精神足穩 (ref: t000584) good very steady in temperament, very solid spiritually 10
Jim1 a4 今子 (ref: t000295) time now 10
Jin5 8jia4 si5 真正是 (ref: t000296) real in truth, in reality 10
Jin5 hieng3 人形 (ref: t000297) shape the human shape, the human figure, the human image, an idol 10
jio1 cu4 bhi5, 8jia5 cu4 bhi5 足趣味,極趣味,真趣味 (ref: t000033) interesting very interesting 10
jio1 giong3 e5 足強的 (ref: t000034) strong very powerful, very strong 10
jio1 he1 se6, 8jia5 he1 se6, jio1 ga4 yi6 足好勢,真好勢,足愜意 (ref: t000035) pleased extremely satisfactory, extremely satisfied 10

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