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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Wu6 zu5 ge5 有資格 (ref: t000438) qualification have qualification, be qualified 10
Wui5 se4 gai6 so1 zan4 yong3 爲世界所讚揚 (ref: t000439) idiom be applauded by the whole world 10
Wui6 dio6, wei6 liao6 爲到, 爲了 (ref: t000440) cause because, for the sake of, on account of 10
Wui6 kao4 dua6 kui1 胃口大開 (ref: t000441) idiom appetite is whipped up 10
Wui6 siong6 de6 爲上帝 (ref: t000442) religion for God 10
Wun5 na5 也子,亦然,也然 (ref: t000443) also also, too 10
Wun5 qi6, wun5 su6 恩賜 (ref: t000444) religion given as a grace, grace given 10
Y (ref: t000445) 10
Ya1 bhan5 jin3, ya1 bhan5 lang3 野蠻人 (ref: t000446) people barbarian 10
ya5 le5 bhi1 si3 雅麗美錫 (ref: t000668) Bible Arithemathea (biblic) 10
ya5 li1 su5 ta5 qiu1 亞理士它丘 (ref: -) Bible Aristarchus (biblic) 10
ya5 ti1 bhi4 雅提米 (ref: -) Bible Artemis (biblic) 10
Yao1, 7bha1 do4 yao1, yao5 ga1 bhe1 si4 餓,腹肚餓,餓給要死 (ref: t000447) typical starve, be hungry, be hungry to the degree as if dying 10
Yao5 giu3 要求 (ref: t000448) request ask, request 10
yao5 gui4 ge1 se4 ghi5 餓鬼假小意 (ref: -) typical to be full of pretensions (as a hungry ghost pretends to refuse food offerings.) 10
Yen1 ghuan3, yen1 wan3 演員 (ref: t000449) profession performer, actor 10
Yi1 ao5 以後 (ref: t000450) time afterward 10
Yi1 ghua5 以外 (ref: t000451) place except, beside 10
YI1 gieng5 已經 (ref: t000452) time already, already being done, already happened 10
yi1 hui5 so4 以非索 (ref: t000546) Bible Ephesus (biblic) 10
yi1 li6 gim1 以利金 (ref: t000631) Bible Eliakim (biblic) 10
yi1 li6 jia1 以利佳 (ref: t000636) Bible Eleazar (biblic) 10
yi1 li6 yu3 以利于 (ref: t000635) Bible Eliud (biblic) 10
yi1 lio6 giu1 giu4 1699 (ref: t000041) 1699 1699 10
yi1 sai4 ya4 以賽亞 (ref: t000659) Bible Isiah (biblic) 10

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