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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
sa5 du1 sai4 撒都賽 (ref: t000640) Bible Sadducee (biblic) 10
sa5 la1 de5 薩拉迭 (ref: t000628) Bible Salathiel (biblic) 10
sai4 mun3 賽門 (ref: t000642) Bible Simon (biblic) 10
sai4 mung3 賽蒙 (ref: t000573) Bible Simeon (biblic) 10
sai4 te5 a4 賽提亞 (ref: t000549) Bible Thyatira (biblic) 10
se4 gai6 世界 (ref: t000368) place the world 10
Se4 gan1 so1 wu5 e5 lang3 世間所有的人 (ref: t000369) people all people in the world 10
se5 dun6 西頓 (ref: 5000657) Bible Sidon (biblic) 10
Se5 ghuan3 西元 (ref: t000370) time Gregorian calendar year 10
Se5 La4 rin3, Se5 La4 lang3 希臘人 (ref: t000371) people Greek(s) 10
se5 lin3 西林 (ref: t000672) Bible Cyrene (biblic) 10
se5 sa4 hui5 li1 bi5 西撒費力比 (ref: t000673) Bible Caesarea Philippi (biblic) 10
se5 wa4 西瓦 (ref: -) Bible Seeva (biblic) 10
Sen4 bo4 yao5 en3 散佈謠言 (ref: t000372) idiom rumor, spread rumor 10
Sen4 lai5 ho5 搧來給 (ref: t000367) slap slap, reward with a slap 10
Si4 he5 四號 (ref: t000373) number No. 4 10
Si4 ka5 zua3 四脚蛇 (ref: t000374) animal lizard, crawling snake-like animals with four feet 10
Si5 是 (ref: t000375) be be, yes 10
Si6 hui5 sen6 o5 是非善惡 (ref: t000376) idiom right and wrong, good and evil 10
siao4 len3 e5 少年的 (ref: -) people young people 10
siao4 len5 ge2 a4 少年家子, 少年雞子 (ref: -) people the young, young cocks (referring to a young male or males) 10
Sieng4 geng4, sieng gen6 聖卷 (ref: t000377) relition scripture scrolls 10
Sieng4 gieng1 聖經 (ref: t000378) religion Bible 10
Sieng5 di1 先知 (ref: t000379) religion prophet 10
Sieng5 hieng3 成行 (ref: t000380) trip depart, begin a trip 10

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