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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
bi4 lo5 a1 碧羅阿 (ref: -) Bible Beroea (biblic) 10
so1 bue5 die1 索陪德 (ref: -) Bible Sopater(biblically) 10
pi5 ru5 su1 皮如斯 (ref: -) Bible Pyrrhus (biblic) 10
su1 kun1 de5 史肯道 (ref: -) Bible Secundus (biblic) 10
te5 ji1 go1 提及格 (ref: -) Bible Tychicus (biblic) 10
zo5 hui1 mu4 卓非穆 (ref: -) Bible Trophimus (biblic) 10
co4 a5 su1 措阿斯 (ref: -) Bible Troas (biblic) 10
hui5 li1 bi5 腓利比 (ref: -) Bible Philippi (biblic) 10
you5 ti5 qiu1 尤提丘 (ref: -) Bible Eutychus (biblic) 10
a5 so4 阿索 (ref: -) Bible Assos (biblical) 10
bhi1 ti5 lin3 米提林 (ref: -) Bible Mitylene (biblical) 10
吃飯了沒?吃飽沒? jia6beng5a5 bhue5? jia6ba4 bhue5? 吃飯了沒?吃飽沒?Did you eat? Are you full? (ref: t000579) alternative culture The first two sentences that some vulgar lyricist put to the beginning of the Wedding March. The products of vulgar lyricists are fun. They are usually short, covering only the first few verses of the entire song. Some other examples include "黑貓在那坐,沒穿褲。" 【o5niao1 di6hia1ze5,bhe5 qieng5ko6】Look at that crazy chic! Sitting there without wearing a pair of pants. Another: "奇怪?奇怪?沒翁奈會大腹肚?" 【gi5guai6? gi5guai6? bhe5ang1 na4e6 dua6bha1do4】 Strange? Strange? How come she is pregnant and not married? And Hank William's Jambalaya was changed into: "粘子膠,黏到腳,哎唷!哎唷!" 【dam1ma1ga1 liam5dio6ka1, ai5yo6! ai5yo6!】The pavement pitch sticks to my feet. Alas! Alas! 10
子民 8gia1bhin3, zu1bhin3 (ref: -) politics People, citizen, subject. 根據禮記,古早的皇帝給子民當成自己的孩子。【gi5gu4 li1gi6, go1za4e5 hong5de6 ga6 zu1bhin3 deng4sieng3 ga5di5e5 8gia1a4】According to the Book of Rituals, emperors in the ancient times treated their subjects as their own children. 9
kiao6 俏 cute in a charming way (usually sexy). (ref: -) 這個女孩子樣子足俏。【ji1le5 zo2ghin1a4 yang4zi6 zo1kiao6】This young lady looks very cute and sexy. 俏及要死!【kiao4ga1bhe1si4】Cute and sexy to the point of dying; extremely cute and sexy! 俏及要死子!【kiao4ga1bhe1si4】The addition of "子【a4】" makes the expression COLLOQUIAL TO THE UTTERMOST. 1) 足巧【zio1qiao3】refers to timing that is either perfect or exactly the opposite. It also refers to the skillfulness of a person's craft; for example, a female's artistic hands in sewing. 2) 翹【kiao6】refers to the physical shape which is streamlined and sexy. It can be used to refer the general shape of the body or a particular body part. When it refers to one's nose, it is saying that the nose is pointed in a cute way. ***) COMPARISON CONCLUSIONS: 俏 refers to a person's quality and character and 翹 refers to the physical appearances. 巧 is telling about a person's skillfulness in a certain craft. 9
哩哩叩叩 li5 li1 ko1 ko5 (ref: aaa-aa) order random, randomly 10
兒子 8gia1a4 (ref: -) family Son. 他是一個友孝的兒子。【yi5 si6 ji6le5 you1hao6de5 8gia1a4】He shows filial piety to his parents. 女兒【zo2 8gia4】daughter;爸母【be6 bhu4】parents. 9
兄弟 8hia5 di5 (ref: -) family brothers 姐妹【ji1 8muai5】sisters 9
瞎匆 8ce5gong3 (ref: -) Hurry, rush. 你是在瞎匆什麽?【li1 shi6 de1 8ce5gong3 sa1mi4?】What's your hurry! 悠哉【you5 zai1】to be at leisure 9
瞎明雞子啄到蟲 8ce58me3 ge2a4 do1dio6 tang3 (ref: 8ce5_00) To have blind luck; to be fortunate unknowingly. (Literally: A blind chicken pecks on a worm.) 9
第三聲 3 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The third tone, also the lowering-rising tone. 皮鞋【pue5e3】leather shoes. 好人【he1lang3】good person. In both words, the second syllable bears the third tone. Musically, it will be 'mi-do-mi'. 9
第一聲 1 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The first tone. It is also the high level tone. 孩子【ghin1a4】child,枕頭【jim1tao3】pillow. The first syllable in both words starts with the first intonation. The first intonation in Taiwanese is the same as that in Mandarin Chinese. Intonations 1 through 4 plus the 0 intonation (denoting diminished tone) are the same in both Taiwanese and Mandarin Chinese. In Taiwanese there are two more tones: 5 and 6. The fifth tone is the middle level tone, and the sixth is the lower level tone. We will see examples when their turns come up. Musically, this high level tone will be 'la' in key C. 9
第二聲 2 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The second tone, also the rising tone.. 女人【zo2lang3】woman, women, female. 雞子【ge2a4】chicken, hen, cock. As you can see, in both words, the first syllable starts with the second tone. Musically, it will be 'fa-so-la'. 9
第五聲 5 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The fifth tone, also the mid level tone. 在哪【di6due5】where, at which place? 土豆【to5dao5】peanut. It can be represented musically as 'mi' in Key C. 9
第六聲 6 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The six tone. It is also the low level tone. 下雨【le6ho5】to rain. 下價【le6ge6】to depreciate; to have the price lowered. The first syllable in both words is in the sixth tone. Musically, it will be the lower 'do' in Key C. 9
第四聲 4 (ref: -) linguistics / pronunciation The fourth tone. It is the falling tone. 腫起來【jieng4ki6lai6】to be swollen up. 趕緊【8gua1gin4】Hurry up! [used when urging someone to make haste]. The first syllable in the first example is in the fourth tone. So is the second syllable in the second example. Musically, it will be 'do-si-la-so'. 9

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