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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Zu6 ren3, zu6 jen3 自然 (ref: t000500) nature nature 10
Zu6 su1 zu6 li5 自私自利 (ref: t000502) idiom self-profit oriented; always looking for one's own profits 10
Zu6 ze4 cong5 mieng3 自作聰明 (ref: t000503) idiom playing smart; to be too smart for oneself; usually used in the context of 'nobody told him to do anything; why did he have to be so smart as to ...." 10
zua3 蛇 (ref: t000504) animal snake 10
Zuan5 bhun3 專門 (ref: t000506) specialization purposefully, especially, specialized in 10
Zuan5 si6 se4 gai6 de6 7yi1 mia3, 7o1 mia3 jiao5 jiong1 全是世界第一名,惡名昭彰 (ref: t000507) idiom notorious, by far the most notorious in the world 10
de6 le5 墮落 (ref: -) moral to fall morally, to be lost morally 10
zue5 罪 (ref: t000509) religion guilt, sin, crime 10
Zue4 ao5 e5 sin1 8pua6 最後的審判 (ref: t000510) religion Last Judgment 10
zue6 gai5 bhan6 si4 罪該萬死 (ref: t000511) idiom deserve to die ten thousand times 10
zun3 船 (ref: t000512) transportation ship 10
zun5 8diu4船長 (ref: t000513) profession captain of a ship 10
zun5 gieng5 尊敬 (ref: t000514) respect respect 10
zun5 jiong5 7yo4 尊榮耀 (ref: t000515) honor have serious sense of shame, take one's own honor seriously 10
he1 kang1, 8pai1 kang1, bhe5 he1 kang1 好孔,壞孔,沒好孔 (ref: he1_02) fortune to fare well, not to fare well; to have good luck, not to have good luck 10
gang6 pue1 e1, gang6 te1 e1 同信的, 同梯的 (ref: -) comrade of the same draft, of the same list, comrades, (affinitives: solders will refer to each other as 'of the same draft' or 'of the same list' even if they are actually not just to show their closeness.) 10
sin5 diam1 diam4 新嶄嶄 (ref: -) typical brand new 10
siao4 len3 e5 少年的 (ref: -) people young people 10
za6 qi5 十七 (ref: t000528) seventeen seventeen 10
jieng5 sin3 jio1 zai5, jieng1 sin3 jio1 wen4 精神足支, 精神足穩 (ref: t000584) good very steady in temperament, very solid spiritually 10
he1 ga5 zai6! 好佳在 !  (ref: he1_00) idiom fortunately; Thank Goodness! 10
jiong6 siong6 bun1 bhe5 jieng4, nam5 ghi3 dong5 zu6 giong3. 將相本無種,男兒當自強。 (ref: t000585) idiom Gene does not determine if one is to be a general or a prime minister; one must try her best to lead a successful life. 10
du1 a1 he4, du1 du1 he4 遇子好, 遇遇好 (ref: -) coincident to fit perfectly, to match perfectly, to have perfect timing; (literally: to be meetingly-meetingly perfect, to be fittingly-fittingly perfect) 10
du1 a4 遇子 (ref: -) moments ago moments ago 10
die1 yi6 bhuan1 bhuan4, qieng4 die1 8siu6 sa1 mi4 sio5 siang3 得意滿滿,蒸得像什麼相像 (ref: -) conceit as haughty as one can be, fully conceited 10

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