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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
mia3, mia5 qieng1 名,名稱 (ref: t000345) name name, title 10
mieng5 mieng3 zai2 8ya4 明明知樣 (ref: t000346) idiom to know perfectly (used in a negative sense; such as to commit a crime despite knowing perfectly it is wrong to do) 10
mo3, 7da5, ki1, kiao4 謀,鬥,欺,巧 (ref: t000347) bad to plot, to strive against, to cheat, to cut corner 10
N (ref: t000348) 10
na6 si6 an1 ne1 若是這樣 (ref: t000349) if if .... 10
nai6 sim1 耐心 (ref: t000350) patience patience 10
ni3 年 (ref: t000351) time year 10
O (ref: t000352) 10
o5 am6 黑暗 (ref: t000353) dark dark 10
o5 luan6 pue5 pieng5 lang3 胡亂批評人 (ref: t000354) bad to critize people randomly, to ctitize without good reasons 10
P (ref: t000355) 10
pieng6 ga5 di5 e5 qieng5 sin6 憑自己的虔信 (ref: t000356) religion according to each's piety 10
Q (ref: t000357) 10
qi4 ho5, su4 ho5 賜予 (ref: t000358) religion to give ... as a gift, to give, to gift someone with ... 10
Qian5 qiu1 bhan6 se6 千秋萬世 (ref: t000359) idiom forever and ever, till the hell freezes over 10
Qieng1 an1 zu4 gieng6 (sia1 pui1 e5 si3 qieng5 wui6 e5 wei6 ghu4)請安致敬 (ref: t000360) idiom greetings, salutations 10
Qieng1 giu3 請求 (ref: t000361) ask ask, appeal, beg 10
Qieng5 ki4 liu5 liu1 清氣溜溜 (ref: t000362) idiom clean and sleek 10
Qieng5 qieng5 ce1 ce4 清清楚楚 (ref: t000363) idiom clear without any doubt or ambiguity 10
Qin5 8se1 e5 8gia1 a4 親生的兒子 (ref: t000364) idiom one's own very son 10
ghin1 a4 孩子 (ref: -) child children 10
S (ref: t000366) 10
Sen4 lai5 ho5 搧來給 (ref: t000367) slap slap, reward with a slap 10
se4 gai6 世界 (ref: t000368) place the world 10
Se4 gan1 so1 wu5 e5 lang3 世間所有的人 (ref: t000369) people all people in the world 10

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