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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
gao6 到 (ref: -) to the 'to' in 'from ... to ... ' 10
ge5 le4 ho5 格列佛 (ref: ge5_00) Gulliver Gulliver 10
gen4 duan6 間斷 (ref: -) stop to stop, to discontinue 10
gen4 siao3 慚羞 (ref: -) shame to feel shame, to be shameful 10
gen5 giong3 堅強 (ref: -) strong to be strong 10
Gh (ref: t000201) 10
ghen5 ghu4 言語 (ref: -) language language 10
ghen4 tao3, tao5 ka5 ghen4 ghen6 願頭,頭殼願願 (ref: -) stubborn to be hard-headed, to be stubborn in meaningless ways, to show off meanlinglessly 10
ghi6 bang1 異邦 (ref: -) foreign foreign countries, gentiles 10
ghi6 nieng3 異能 (ref: -) supernatural extraordinary power, supernatural power 10
gho5 ghue6 五月 (ref: -) month the month of May 10
gho6 e3 五個 (ref: -) number five of something 10
ghong6 ghong5 愚愚 (ref: -) stupid to be stupid 10
ghua6 7go5 外國 (ref: -) foreign foreign countries 10
ghuan5 yim1, wan5 yim1 原因 (ref: -) reason reason 10
gi5 diong1  其中 (ref: -) among among 10
gi5 du1 ya5 so1 基督耶穌 (ref: gi5_00) Jesus Jesus Christ 10
gi5 gi1 ga5 ga1 吱吱咯咯 (ref: -) sound to make a squeaking sound, to squeak 10
gi5 gi5 guai4 guai6 奇奇怪怪 (ref: -) strange strange, weird 10
gieng4 zo6 敬祝 (ref: -) wish to wish someone well respectfully 10
gieng5 ghiam5 經驗 (ref: -) experience experience, to experience 10
gieng5 you3, gieng5 gui6 經由,經過 (ref: -) through to go through, to pass by, to achieve something through ... 10
gim5 gong1 qiang6 qiang6 gun4, en5 qien3 ca1 bhi1 hun4 金光閃閃滾,香腸炒米粉 (ref: gim5_00) exageration With a lot of flares and lightenings, one is stir-frying rice noodle with silced sausages. A lot of thunders followed by a little rain. With a lot of exagerations ... 10
gin5 bun4 根本 (ref: -) basic basically, despitefully 10
go4 ji5 固執 (ref: -) stubborn stubborn 10

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