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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
hieng5 wui3 zun1 jie5 行為準則 (ref: t000247) code code of conducts 10
he1 se4 dang5 dang1! 好勢噹噹 (ref: t000524) idiom Everything goes smackingly well! It fits perfectly! 10
ho5 ... 被 。。。 (ref: t000249) passive (This word forms the passive expressions) to be ... by ... 10
Ho5 … zun4 gue6 給 。。。 準過 (ref: t000250) let to let pass 10
Ho5 lan1 bai4 to5 ji6 le6, ma6 de6 ho5 lan1 na0 bai4 to5 ji6 le6 給阮拜託一下,莫道給阮拜託一下 (ref: t000563) implore Come on! Let us implore you. Can't you let us implore you! 10
Ho6 … ji6 le5 bu4 zu1 dao4, bu4 dong5 ji6 hui5 su5 給 。。。 一個不知道,不當一回事 (ref: t000253) can't care less not to take it serious (The first expression "ho6 ... ji6 le5 bu4 zu1 dao4" actually imitates the way typical Taiwanese pronounce standard Mandarin with heavy Taiwanese accent; therefore, there are two twists: 1) it was originally a Mandarin expression expressing ignorance; 2) it is pronounced in such a way that it contains a tinge of sarcasm that makes the ignorance even more saur.) 10
Ho6 gun3 gao1 dong4 狐群狗黨 (ref: t000254) idiom a pack of wolves (of people) 10
Ho6 lang5 被人 (ref: t000255) by somebody 10
Hong1 yen3 謊言 (ref: t000256) lie lie, lies, cheating word or words 10
Hong4 ki6, bang4 sa5 放棄 (ref: t000257) give up to give up, to abandon 10
Ho5 do3 糊塗 (ref: ho5_00) mixed up to be messed-up in mind, not smart. See also “nao1 gin1 sio4 do4 sio4 do6 腦筋秀凸秀凸”。 10
jia6 kun4 tao5 ge1 吃睏頭家 (ref: jia6_00) tradition with room and board to be taken care of by the boss -- as a condition of employment or apprenticeship in the old Taiwanese tradition 10
Ka5 da6 qia1 脚踏車 (ref: t000259) transportation bibycle 10
Liong5 san5 bo5 ya1 zo4 yieng5 dai3 梁山伯與祝英臺 (ref: t000260) folklore Chinese Romeo and Juliet 10
zui1 ge1 lui5: niao1 ba2 la4, gi5 yi6 ge4, 7lio6 lai3, gam5 a1 7bhi1, gam2 a4, pe5 te3, gin5 jio1, ong5 lai3, liu5 len3, liu1 dieng1, zio6 liu3, ghieng5 ghieng4, 7ho1 ghieng4, nai6 ji1, 8sui2 a4, lieng1 bhu5, 8yiu5 de3, 7sie1 kia1, kai5 sim5 ge4 水果類:貓芭樂,奇異果,酪梨,柑子蜜,柑子,葡萄,金蕉,王梨,榴蓮,柳丁,石榴,瞪眼,福眼,荔枝,芒子,蓮霧,楊桃,釋迦,開心果 (ref: t000261) fruits fruits: guava, kiwi, avocado, tomato, tangerine, grape, banana, pineapple, durian, orange, promegranade, staring-eye longan, dragon-eye longan, lichi, mango, wax apple, averrhoa fruit, suger apple, pestacho 10
Qin4 cai4, qin4 qin4 cai4 cai4, sui5 ben5, sui5 sui5 ben6 ben5, ma1 hu1, ma1 ma1 hu5 hu1, le1 ce4, le1 le1 ce1 ce4 剩菜,剩剩菜菜,隨便,隨隨便便,馬虎,馬馬虎虎,潦草,潦潦草草 (ref: t000262) idiom too loose, too careless, too informal, not with appropriate precision 10
sin5 zai3 he4, sin5 zai3 7si4 diong1; sin5 zai3 bhiao5 diao3, san1 san4 le4 le5, san1 gao5 san1 gao3, san1 bi5 ba1, sun5 bhu1 kong1; 7ho1 song4 7ho1 siong6, hong5 bhuan4; guan5 dua5; e1 diu6 diu4; di5 7ba1 gai6, 8yi5 gun4 gun6, dua5 ko5 dai1; 7ge1 7si1 身材好,身材適中;身材苗條,瘦瘦高高,瘦猴瘦猴,瘦皮巴,孫悟空;福相福相,豐滿;高大;矮嘟嘟;豬八戒,圓滾滾,大圈呆;結實 (ref: t000263) body well-built, just right; slim, tall and thin, monkey-monkey, skinny, the Monkey King; fortune-inviting, plump; tall and big; short with pouch-like cheeks; the lengendary Pig Monster, round and rolling, big girdle; ripped 10
Zao4 ka1 厨房 (ref: t000481) kitchen kitchen 10
Zo6 hong1 ga5 you3 助風加油 (ref: t000493) idiom add wind and gas to the fire, make things worse on purpose 10
Zu6 hieng3 de6 le5 自行墮落 (ref: t000501) idiom give up on oneself, go the self-destructive way 10
Hong5 be6 風暴 (ref: t000268) storm 10
Ze4 sen6 su5 做善事 (ref: t000486) religion perform good deeds 10
can5 rin4, zan5 rin4 殘忍 (ref: -) brutal brutal, atrocious 10
Ze4 gen4 jieng6 作見證 (ref: t000492) witness witness, be the witness of... 10
Zu6 ge1 zu6 dua5 自高自大 (ref: t000505) idiom haughty, boastful, conceited 10

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