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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
sui1 dang5 dang1 水噹噹 (ref: t000420) typical pretty 10
Sui5 jen3, sui5 ren3 雖然 (ref: t000421) though though, although, despite the fact that , in spite of 10
Sun5 giu5 bhan6 bang1 尋求萬邦 (ref: t000422) idiom search over all nations 10
T (ref: t000423) 10
Tai4 7gi1 gun3, tai4 7gie1 gun3 太極拳 (ref: t000424) sport taijiquan, shadow boxing, a form of peaceful martial art invented by Chinese 10
Te6 giong1 (deng4 ze4 mieng5 qi3 yien5), te6 giong1 e5 gi5 hui5 提供(當做名詞用),提供的機會 (ref: t000425) opportunity offer (noun), the opportunity offered 10
Tuan5 7ho6 yim1 傳福音 (ref: t000426) proclaim proclaim the Gospel, spread the Gospel 10
W (ref: t000427) 10
Wa1 e3 我的 (ref: t000428) pronoun my, mine 10
Wa4 我 (ref: t000429) pronoun I, me 10
Wa6 8ce5 8ce1, wa6 pun4 pun6, wa6 7pu1 7pu5, 7pu1 7pu1 tiao6; si1 kiao4 kiao6 活生生,活噴噴,活撲撲,撲撲跳;死翹翹 (ref: t000430) typical lively, full of life, still kicking; having kicked the bucket 10
Wan1 e3, lan1 e3 阮的 (ref: t000431) pronoun our, ours 10
Wan4, lan4 阮 (ref: t000432) pronoun we, us 10
Wu5 有 (ref: t000433) have have, be, exist 10
Wu6 7hua1 do5 有法度 (ref: t000434) typical able, have means to do, capable of doing 10
Wu6 guan1, you1 guan1 有關 (ref: t000435) concerning related, being related, have relation, concerning, pertaining 10
Wu6 ji6 7ji1 有一日 (ref: t000436) time someday, one day, there is a day 10
Wu6 nai6 sieng6 有耐性 (ref: t000437) patient patient, having the patience, able to endure 10
Wu6 zu5 ge5 有資格 (ref: t000438) qualification have qualification, be qualified 10
Wui5 se4 gai6 so1 zan4 yong3 爲世界所讚揚 (ref: t000439) idiom be applauded by the whole world 10
Wui6 dio6, wei6 liao6 爲到, 爲了 (ref: t000440) cause because, for the sake of, on account of 10
Wui6 kao4 dua6 kui1 胃口大開 (ref: t000441) idiom appetite is whipped up 10
Wui6 siong6 de6 爲上帝 (ref: t000442) religion for God 10
Wun5 na5 也子,亦然,也然 (ref: t000443) also also, too 10
Wun5 qi6, wun5 su6 恩賜 (ref: t000444) religion given as a grace, grace given 10

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