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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
ai6, de6 ai6, su5 yao6, 7bi1 yao6, wu6 7bi1 yao6, wu6 su5 yao6 要,就要, 須要,必要,有必要,有需要 (ref: -) need to need to, to have to, must 10
am4 ming3 bhong5 8sua5 niao1. am4 ming5 bhong1, o5 am4 ming3 暗矇摸山貓。暗矇摸,烏暗矇 (ref: am4_00) dark as dark as you are groping for a black mountain cat in the darkness 10
an1 8zua1 8you5? wui6 si1 mi4? 怎麼樣? 為什麼? (ref: an1_00) why Why? 10
an1 nia2 wei2! 俺娘喂! (ref: an1_01) exclamation a classical Taiwanese exclamatory favored by the female 10
an4 jio6 按照 (ref: -) according to according to 10
ang5 gu1 (ang5 guan5 gong1, be6 lao5 7bi5, o5 di5 hui1, zao1 hi4 7bhi5) 紅龜(紅關公,白劉備,烏張飛,跑去避) (ref: ang5_00) food red steamed bun (a very popular children's riddle makes use of the three historical figures romanitized by the classic novel '三國演義 Romance of The Three Kingdoms'; one of them had red skin, another white, and yet another dark, which are the three colors of a steamed bun: red crust, white bread, and black stuffing.) 10
ang5 gu5 gui4 紅龜糕 (ref: ang5_01) food red steamed glutinous rice cake 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha4 mi5 紅燒牛肉麵 (ref: ang5_02) food red roast beef noodle 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 bha5 紅燒牛肉 (ref: ang5_03) food red roast beef 10
ang5 sio5 ghu5 gin5 mi5 紅燒牛筋麵 (ref: ang5_04) food red roast beef tendon noodle 10
ao6 bia5 gong1 lang5 8pai1 wei5. 後壁講人壞話。 (ref: ao6_00) gossip to gossip 10
B (ref: t000080) 10
ba1 ba0 爸爸 (ref: -) family father 10
bai4 to5, ya6 8mu6 bhang5 an1 ne1 8siu5. 拜託, 也不要這麼想! (ref: bai4_00) my goodness! For goodness sake, quit that thinking! 10
bai4 hong4 拜訪 (ref: -) visit to visit 10
bai6, bai4 bai6 拜,拜拜 (ref: bai4_01) religion to worship 10
bang4 hui4 e5 ge1 de1 gio4 giu4 hui4 放火的更在叫救火 (ref: bang4_00) play innocent to play innocent; for the person who set the fire on purpose to pretend to call for help to put out the fire 10
be1 lo3 保羅 (ref: be1_00) Paul Paul 10
ben5 gui1 go4 su5 編鬼故事 (ref: -) fairy tales to weave fairy tales, to talk nonsense, to lie 10
ben6 bun4 ga5 li5 變本加利,變本加厲 (ref: -) idiom to add interest (to increase in seriousness) to an already adverse situation or to an already non-appreciable quality, personality, or notorious feats 10
Bh (ref: t000090) 10
bha6 jiu1 bhang5 bhang3 目睛茫茫 (ref: -) typical to be blurred in vision 10
bhan5 bhi5, wan5 bhi5 玩味 (ref: -) taste to taste by mousing, to evaluate (a piece of writing) by going through it back and forth and pondering over it 10
bhan6 su5 sun6 li5, bhan6 su5 ru5 yi6. 萬事順利,萬事如意。 (ref: bhan6_00) everything ok Everything goes smoothly; everything goes as we are pleased. (Used as greetings during the Chinese New Year) 10
bhe5 7hua1 do5 de6 si6 bhe5 7hua1 do5. 無法度就是無法度。 (ref: bhe5_00) typical It does not matter how you try; it won't work. 10

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