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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
ho1 tao3 nao1 qi1 bhuei4 虎頭貓鼠尾 (ref: ho1_00) idiom Starts big;ends small. (Tiger head; mouse tail.) 10
ti4 ki4 鐵齒 (ref: ti4_00) typical stubborn (iron teethed) 10
diam6 diam5 jia6 8sa5 8wa1 gong5 8bua6 腆腆吃三碗公半 (ref: diam6_00) quiet Still water runs deep. (A quiet and shy person consumes three and a half big bowls of rice already while others are talking their heads off!) Watch out for the quiet ones. 10
he1 jiu4 dim5 ong4 de4 好酒沈甕底 (ref: he1_01) idiom The best wine sinks to the bottom of the brewer urn. The best acts await the end of the show. 10
bha1 do1 lai5 e5 min6 tang3 腹肚裏的蛔蟲 (ref: -) animal the round worms in the stomach, the one who know the person best 10
kan5 qiu4, lao6 kan5 qiu4 牽手,老牽手 (ref: t000520) family wife, old wife, spouse, old spouse (literally means 'holding hand'.) 10
yao5 gui4 ge1 se4 ghi5 餓鬼假小意 (ref: -) typical to be full of pretensions (as a hungry ghost pretends to refuse food offerings.) 10
ten1 hieng3 gen6, gun5 zu4 yi1 zu6 giong3 bu1 si1 天行健,君子以自強不息。 (ref: ten1_00) idiom The heavenly bodies keep going strong, so shall we persevere in striving for the better (of all mankinds.) 10
gao1 gan4 8kua4 lang3 ge5 狗眼看人低 (ref: gao1_00) dog to treat others lowly the way a dog looks at a person and thinks that person is lower than himself, the dog, is 10
luan6 ge1 ji6 tong1 亂搞一通 (ref: luan6_00) mess To mess up; to f**k up; too mess up big-time. What a mess! That was a big-time f**k-up mess, man! 10
jia6 he1 kang1 dao4 sio5 be6 吃好孔兜相報 (ref: t000582) idiom to share the information with people when one finds good luck. Again, the origin of this expression might have sexual implications. But like I said, the expression has been so common and FUBAR (f**ked up beyond all repair) that I do not care about that part any longer. 10
qieng5 ki4 8siu5 清氣相 (ref: -) typical to have a habit of having to keep everything clean 10
吃飯了沒?吃飽沒? jia6beng5a5 bhue5? jia6ba4 bhue5? 吃飯了沒?吃飽沒?Did you eat? Are you full? (ref: t000579) alternative culture The first two sentences that some vulgar lyricist put to the beginning of the Wedding March. The products of vulgar lyricists are fun. They are usually short, covering only the first few verses of the entire song. Some other examples include "黑貓在那坐,沒穿褲。" 【o5niao1 di6hia1ze5,bhe5 qieng5ko6】Look at that crazy chic! Sitting there without wearing a pair of pants. Another: "奇怪?奇怪?沒翁奈會大腹肚?" 【gi5guai6? gi5guai6? bhe5ang1 na4e6 dua6bha1do4】 Strange? Strange? How come she is pregnant and not married? And Hank William's Jambalaya was changed into: "粘子膠,黏到腳,哎唷!哎唷!" 【dam1ma1ga1 liam5dio6ka1, ai5yo6! ai5yo6!】The pavement pitch sticks to my feet. Alas! Alas! 10
hui6 tao3, hui6 bhuei4, jiao5 hui2 a4, dui4 hui2 a4 會頭,會尾,招會子,隨會子 (ref: t000565) bank the one who collects together a 'hui'; the last one to draw money from a 'hui'; to collect together a 'hui'; to join a 'hui' 10
yi1 hui5 so4 以非索 (ref: t000546) Bible Ephesus (biblic) 10
su5 mi4 na3 斯密拿 (ref: t000547) Bible Smyrna (biblic) 10
pue4 ga5 mung3 配加蒙 (ref: t000548) Bible Pergamum (biblic) 10
sai4 te5 a4 賽提亞 (ref: t000549) Bible Thyatira (biblic) 10
sa4 di5 su1 薩迪斯 (ref: t000550) Bible Sardis (biblic) 10
hui5 lo6 dai6 hui1 飛樂代非 (ref: t000551) Bible Philadelphia (biblic) 10
lo4 di5 si1 樂迪西 (ref: t000552) Bible Laodicea (biblic) 10
an5 te3 pai6 安提派 (ref: -) Bible Antipas (biblical) 10
ba5 lan3 巴蘭 (ref: -) Bible Balaam (biblical) 10
ba5 la1 ke5 巴拉克 (ref: -) Bible Balak (biblical) 10
ni5 gu1 la5 den3 尼古拉田 (ref: t000556) Bible Nicolaitans (biblic) 10

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