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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
ghong6 8siu5 愚想 (ref: -) stupid stupid idea, silly whim 10
gong5 mieng3 jieng4 dai5, gong5 bhieng3 jieng4 dai5 光明正大 (ref: -) good of the most bright, open, and upright character 10
gua5 jia4, gua5 8ce1 歌者,歌星 (ref: gua5_00) profession singers 10
guan5 he5 (1), wui6 liao6 ... e5 guan5 he5 關係,為了 。。。 的關係 (ref: -) reason reason, for the reason that ... 10
gu6 ha3 ji6 dong5 8gho4, 8gua5 di4 ha5 ka5 to3, ki1 niam6 8bua5 diong5 si1, 7lia5 7lia1 je5 sin5 ko4? 鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾腳土,豈念盤中飧,粒粒皆辛苦? (ref: gu6_00) poem A farmer plows under the midday sun and his sweats drop into the soil under the rice plant leaves; when we gather around the table to sup, has anyone thought about how each grain in our bowls was cultivated? 10
gue1 a4* 粿子 (ref: gue1_00) food broad and fresh rice noodle 10
gui1 幾 (ref: -) number how many? several 10
gui4 de5 貴地 (ref: -) honorable your honorable place 10
gui5 sun6 歸順 (ref: -) religion to convert to, to come to submit oneself to 10
gin5 gu6 根據 (ref: -) according to according to, to base on 10
H (ref: t000238) 10
ham5 nia4 頷領 (ref: t000239) taste to taste by mouthing in the cheeks, to understand by examining carefully 10
ham6 和 (ref: t000240) and and, with, plus, tgether with 10
hang5 siong6 航向 (ref: t000241) navigation direction of navigation, heading 10
he1 siao5 si5! dua6 he1 siao5 si5! 好消息!大好消息! (ref: t000526) news Good news! Super good news! 10
he6 ze4, giao4 ze4 號作,叫作 (ref: t000243) call to be called, to be named 10
hei4! 嘿! (ref: t000244) exclamation an exclamation used in calling attention or sighing 10
hen1 si5 顯示 (ref: t000245) show to show 10
hieng5 sieng3 形成 (ref: t000246) form to form, to take shape 10
hieng5 wui3 zun1 jie5 行為準則 (ref: t000247) code code of conducts 10
he1 se4 dang5 dang1! 好勢噹噹 (ref: t000524) idiom Everything goes smackingly well! It fits perfectly! 10
ho5 ... 被 。。。 (ref: t000249) passive (This word forms the passive expressions) to be ... by ... 10
Ho5 … zun4 gue6 給 。。。 準過 (ref: t000250) let to let pass 10
Ho5 lan1 bai4 to5 ji6 le6, ma6 de6 ho5 lan1 na0 bai4 to5 ji6 le6 給阮拜託一下,莫道給阮拜託一下 (ref: t000563) implore Come on! Let us implore you. Can't you let us implore you! 10
Ho6 … ji6 le5 bu4 zu1 dao4, bu4 dong5 ji6 hui5 su5 給 。。。 一個不知道,不當一回事 (ref: t000253) can't care less not to take it serious (The first expression "ho6 ... ji6 le5 bu4 zu1 dao4" actually imitates the way typical Taiwanese pronounce standard Mandarin with heavy Taiwanese accent; therefore, there are two twists: 1) it was originally a Mandarin expression expressing ignorance; 2) it is pronounced in such a way that it contains a tinge of sarcasm that makes the ignorance even more saur.) 10

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