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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Li1 di1 ki4 jiong3 理直氣壯 (ref: t000326) idiom Speak with a loud voice because one's mind is righteous. 10
Li5 li1 ko1 ko5, luan5 7qi1 ba5 zao1, wai5 ge5 qi6 cua4 離離可可,亂七八糟,歪糕擠扯 (ref: t000327) typical real mess 10
Liong5 sieng4 sun5 kuan3 良性循環 (ref: t000332) cycle good cycle 10
Li6 kui1 離開 (ref: t000328) depart depart, separate 10
Liao1 gai4 瞭解 (ref: t000329) understand understand 10
Lieng5 8you3 羚羊 (ref: t000330) animal antelope 10
Lin4 ne0 你們 (ref: t000331) pronoun you (plural) 10
Lo5 ma4 羅馬 (ref: t000333) place Rome 10
Lo6 8sua6 路綫 (ref: t000334) navigation route 10
Lo6 8bi5 8da1 a4 路邊攤子 (ref: t000335) market roadside vendor, roadside stand, roadside stall, roadside store 10
Lo6 mui2 a4 樂梅爾 (ref: t000336) place Lemuel 10
long1 jin5 gang5 hu1 都真功夫 (ref: t000337) typical to be skillful in all these several areas 10
long1 wu5 都有 (ref: t000338) all all have ... ; common to all 10
lu1 ... lu1 越 。。。 越 (ref: t000339) the more the more ... the more ... 10
lun5 dun1 倫敦 (ref: t000340) London London 10
M (ref: t000341) 10
ma1 siong5 馬上 (ref: t000342) immediately immediately 10
mi5 mi1 ma4 ma6 密密麻麻 (ref: t000343) idiom very crowded (as crowded as the sesame seeds); confusing; in disorder 10
mi6 8da1 a4 麵攤子 (ref: t000344) market Noodle stall 10
mia3, mia5 qieng1 名,名稱 (ref: t000345) name name, title 10
mieng5 mieng3 zai2 8ya4 明明知樣 (ref: t000346) idiom to know perfectly (used in a negative sense; such as to commit a crime despite knowing perfectly it is wrong to do) 10
mo3, 7da5, ki1, kiao4 謀,鬥,欺,巧 (ref: t000347) bad to plot, to strive against, to cheat, to cut corner 10
N (ref: t000348) 10
na6 si6 an1 ne1 若是這樣 (ref: t000349) if if .... 10
nai6 sim1 耐心 (ref: t000350) patience patience 10

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