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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
You1 hun3 wui5 sieng5 gong1 ji5 bun4 有恒爲成功之本 (ref: t000468) idiom perseverance yields success 10
You3 由 (ref: t000469) preposotion through, by way of 10
You5 ... e5 guan5 diam4 lai5 8kua6 由。。。觀點來看 (ref: t000470) view to view from the viewpoint of ... 10
you5 dua5 猶大 (ref: t000589) Bible Judah (biblic) 10
You5 ge1 又更 (ref: t000471) again again 10
You5 si1 bhong3 ge1 ho6 sieng1 由死亡更復生 (ref: t000472) religion to resurrect from death 10
You5 Tai4 Jin3, You5 Tai4 Lang3 猶太人 (ref: t000473) race Jews 10
you5 ti5 qiu1 尤提丘 (ref: -) Bible Eutychus (biblic) 10
Z (ref: t000474) 10
Za5 bho1 lang3 查女人 (ref: t000475) gender woman, women 10
Za5 bo5 lang3 查男人 (ref: t000476) gender man, men 10
za6 qi5 十七 (ref: t000528) seventeen seventeen 10
Zai2 8ya4, zi5 de5 知樣,知道 (ref: t000477) know to know 10
Zan4 yong3 讚揚 (ref: t000478) praise praise, to proclaim as good and broadcast 10
Zan4, siong6 ge4 zan4, siong6 gai4 zan4, ge4 zan4 bhe5 bi4 讚,上界讚,界讚無比 (ref: t000479) best the best, without peer, peerless 10
Zao4 ka1 厨房 (ref: t000481) kitchen kitchen 10
ze1 bi4 de5 澤必第 (ref: t000641) Bible Zebedee (biblic) 10
Ze1 si6 這是 (ref: t000482) because This is (because) 10
Ze4 ... siu5 sieng3 做。。。收成 (ref: t000483) harvest do the harvest of ... 10
Ze4 bhu6 zu4 造物主 (ref: t000484) religion Creator 10
Ze4 dai6 ji6 做事情 (ref: t000485) do do (something) 10
Ze4 gen4 jieng6 作見證 (ref: t000492) witness witness, be the witness of... 10
Ze4 sen6 su5 做善事 (ref: t000486) religion perform good deeds 10
ze5 ka1 li4 澤卡利 (ref: t000669) Bible Zecharia (biblic) 10
Ze6, ze4 ze5 造,製造 (ref: t000487) manufacture make, produce, manufacture 10

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