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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
qi4 ho5, su4 ho5 賜予 (ref: t000358) religion to give ... as a gift, to give, to gift someone with ... 10
Qian5 qiu1 bhan6 se6 千秋萬世 (ref: t000359) idiom forever and ever, till the hell freezes over 10
Qieng1 an1 zu4 gieng6 (sia1 pui1 e5 si3 qieng5 wui6 e5 wei6 ghu4)請安致敬 (ref: t000360) idiom greetings, salutations 10
Qieng1 giu3 請求 (ref: t000361) ask ask, appeal, beg 10
qieng5 ki4 8siu5 清氣相 (ref: -) typical to have a habit of having to keep everything clean 10
Qieng5 ki4 liu5 liu1 清氣溜溜 (ref: t000362) idiom clean and sleek 10
Qieng5 qieng5 ce1 ce4 清清楚楚 (ref: t000363) idiom clear without any doubt or ambiguity 10
qieng5 ten5 dua6 lao1 ya3, bao5 qieng5 ten1 青天大老爺,包青天 (ref: -) folklore the just, the Justice, the Judge, Bao Qingtian (honored as the best judge in Chinese history) 10
Qin4 cai4, qin4 qin4 cai4 cai4, sui5 ben5, sui5 sui5 ben6 ben5, ma1 hu1, ma1 ma1 hu5 hu1, le1 ce4, le1 le1 ce1 ce4 剩菜,剩剩菜菜,隨便,隨隨便便,馬虎,馬馬虎虎,潦草,潦潦草草 (ref: t000262) idiom too loose, too careless, too informal, not with appropriate precision 10
Qin5 8se1 e5 8gia1 a4 親生的兒子 (ref: t000364) idiom one's own very son 10
Qiu1 8hua5 手扶 (ref: t000125) handle handle, steering handle 10
qiu5 la1 gim1 裘拉金 (ref: t000654) Bible Chorazin (biblic) 10
ri6 tao3 le6 8sua1, ri6 tao3 le6 8sua1 e5 si3 日頭下山,日頭下山的時 (ref: ri6_01) idiom The sun goes down; when the sun goes down ... 10
ri6 tao3 pa6 gao4 ka5 ceng5 tao3 日頭曬到腳穿頭 (ref: ri6_00) idiom The sun shines on the ass. (An expression to make fun of sleeping in, literally meaning: to sleep until the sun shines on the ass.) 10
riu5 ren3 柔然 (ref: t000616) Bible Joram (biblic) 10
ru5 bun4 如本 (ref: t000568) Bible Reuben (biblic) 10
ru5 su1 茹絲 (ref: t000604) Bible Ruth (biblic) 10
rui4 hai4 瑞海 (ref: t000603) Bible Rahab (biblic) 10
rui4 ya4 芮雅 (ref: t000611) Bible Uriah (biblic) 10
S (ref: t000366) 10
sa4 dan5 撒旦 (ref: t000557) Bible Satan (biblic) 10
sa4 di5 su1 薩迪斯 (ref: t000550) Bible Sardis (biblic) 10
sa4 ma1 le5 薩瑪利 (ref: t000650) Bible Samaritan (biblic) 10
sa4 mong3 撒蒙 (ref: t000602) Bible Salmon (biblic) 10
sa5 di4 you3 撒地由 (ref: t000649) Bible Thaddaeus (biblic) 10

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