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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
gim5 gong1 qiang6 qiang6 gun4, en5 qien3 ca1 bhi1 hun4 金光閃閃滾,香腸炒米粉 (ref: gim5_00) exageration With a lot of flares and lightenings, one is stir-frying rice noodle with silced sausages. A lot of thunders followed by a little rain. With a lot of exagerations ... 10
gin5 bun4 根本 (ref: -) basic basically, despitefully 10
gin5 gu6 根據 (ref: -) according to according to, to base on 10
giong5 jieng5 bu1 ru3 siong3 mieng6 恭敬不如從命 (ref: giong5_00) native "Instead of being polite to refuse your generous offer, I might as well obediently obey you by accepting your generous offer." 10
go4 ji5 固執 (ref: -) stubborn stubborn 10
go6 bu1 li6 jiong1, yen3 gui1 jieng4 tuan3 故不離章,言歸正傳 (ref: go6_00) idiom All events follow a reasonable pattern. Let us go back to our main topic. 10
gong1 qi4 … e5 ji1 hang6 dai6 ji6 講起 。。。 的這項代志 (ref: -) talking about Talking about ... 10
gong1 sin4 yong5 講信用 (ref: -) trustworthy to be trustworthy 10
gong4 dio6 講到 (ref: -) talking about to talk about, to mention 10
gong5 ghi5, gong5 yi6 公義 (ref: -) justice justice, righteousness 10
gong5 li4 公理 (ref: -) justice justice, righteousness; an established law or principle in science or math 10
gong5 mieng3 jieng4 dai5, gong5 bhieng3 jieng4 dai5 光明正大 (ref: -) good of the most bright, open, and upright character 10
gu6 ha3 ji6 dong5 8gho4, 8gua5 di4 ha5 ka5 to3, ki1 niam6 8bua5 diong5 si1, 7lia5 7lia1 je5 sin5 ko4? 鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾腳土,豈念盤中飧,粒粒皆辛苦? (ref: gu6_00) poem A farmer plows under the midday sun and his sweats drop into the soil under the rice plant leaves; when we gather around the table to sup, has anyone thought about how each grain in our bowls was cultivated? 10
gua5 jia4, gua5 8ce1 歌者,歌星 (ref: gua5_00) profession singers 10
guan5 he5 (1), wui6 liao6 ... e5 guan5 he5 關係,為了 。。。 的關係 (ref: -) reason reason, for the reason that ... 10
guan5 he5 (2) yin5 wui6 wa1 hu6 qin1 bhe5 8ji3 e5 guan5 he5, wa1 za6 qi1 hui6 de6 tieng5 e4 a6. 關係:因為我父親沒錢的關係,我十七歲就停學了。 (ref: -) reason (for the reason of ... ) Example: Because my father was not rich, I stopped going to school when I was seventeen. 10
gue1 a4* 粿子 (ref: gue1_00) food broad and fresh rice noodle 10
gui1 幾 (ref: -) number how many? several 10
gui4 de5 貴地 (ref: -) honorable your honorable place 10
gui5 sun6 歸順 (ref: -) religion to convert to, to come to submit oneself to 10
H (ref: t000238) 10
ha5 ma1 gi5 dun6 哈馬基頓 (ref: t000580) Bible Harmagedon (biblic) 10
ha6 hao5 學校 (ref: t000008) school school 10
ham5 nia4 頷領 (ref: t000239) taste to taste by mouthing in the cheeks, to understand by examining carefully 10
ham6 和 (ref: t000240) and and, with, plus, tgether with 10

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