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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
Hun5 gi3 hu4 kuan4 分期付款 (ref: t000279) bank to pay in installments 10
Hun5 siong4 分享 (ref: t000280) share to share 10
i5 su1 kai1 rui4 依斯開瑞 (ref: t000675) Bible Iscariot (biblic) 10
J (ref: t000281) 10
je1 la1 傑拉 (ref: t000592) Bible Zerah (biblic) 10
je5 ho1 sia4 接和夏 (ref: t000615) Bible Jehoshaphat (biblic) 10
je5 qiong5 ni3 接瓊尼 (ref: t000624) Bible Jechoniah (biblic) 10
je5 rui1 bhi4 接瑞米 (ref: t000679) Bible Jeremiah (biblic) 10
je5 si1 傑西 (ref: t000607) Bible Jesse (biblic) 10
ji1 gun5 這群 (ref: t000012) group this group of 10
ji1 gun6 lang3 這群人 (ref: t000022) group this group of people 10
ji1 jia4 zun3 這隻船 (ref: t000023) ship this ship 10
ji1 kuan4 這款 (ref: t000024) kind this kind of 10
ji1 le3* 這個, 這例 (ref: t000025) this this 10
Ji1 mui6 8hia5 di5 姐妹兄弟 (ref: t000282) family brothers and sisters 10
Ji1 yao6 只要 (ref: t000283) only only 10
ji5 li6 ge1 吉利哥 (ref: t000678) Bible Jericho (biblic) 10
ji6 din5, ji6 zun5 一陣 (ref: t000029) a a moment of, a bout of (rain) 10
ji6 jia5 一隻 (ref: t000027) one one (used as a counter) 10
ji6 le5 hui5 8siu5 8da5 zui1 jia4, neng6 e5 hui5 8siu5 geng5 zui1 jia4, 8sa5 e5 hui5 8siu5 bhe5 zui1 jia4. 一個和尚擔水吃,兩個和尚扛水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。 (ref: t000028) monk One monk carries two pails of water by balancing them with a pole on his shoulder; two monks carry one single pail of water as if carrying a sedan chair; three monks would rather die from thirst than agreeing upon a way to carry the water. 10
ji6 le5* 一個 (ref: t000030) one one (used as a counter) 10
jia1 siu1 接收 (ref: t000031) take to take over, to receive 10
jia1 siu5 接受 (ref: t000032) accept to accept, to receive 10
jia5 ze1 bie1 賈則別 (ref: t000558) Bible Jezebel (biblic) 10
Jia6 8ce5 cao1, 8kua4 teng5 tao3 吃星餚,看湯頭 (ref: t000284) idiom to judge a banquet by the first course (the soup); to judge a book by its cover 10

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